Pulse oximeter Essays

  • Nursing Reflection: The Gibbs Cycle In Nursing

    2199 Words  | 9 Pages

    INTRODUCTION Reflection is a holistic experience that allows the person participating, to evaluate the event both after and during the course of the incident (Johns 2006). Reflection facilitates the understanding and determining of the contraindications that may have occurred throughout the practice from what is required (Johns 2006). There are many models to aid in the process of reflection (Boud et al 1995, Boyd and Fales 1983, Mezirow 1981 cited in Johns 2006). I have chosen the Gibbs cycle (1988)

  • Oxygen Saturation

    485 Words  | 2 Pages

    the amount of light that passed through the fingertip and surmising how much has been absorbed by the oxygen in the blood. According to Pulmolink (2015), the fingertip pulse oximeter detects minor changes in absorption as the blood is pumped past the measurement site. Weak pulses can give inaccurate measurements. ”Your pulse oximeter measurement naturally lowers during exercise because of changes that occur in oxygen-binding properties of red blood cells. Specific measurements vary depending on your

  • Patient-Centred Communication In Nursing

    1328 Words  | 6 Pages

    Nurses have a high level of responsibility when it comes to patient assessment, communication, accurate data collection and interpretation (Considine & Currey, 2014). The primary survey and collection of medical history require the nurse to have a patient-centred approach and apply communication strategies that aid accurate diagnosis. Assessment of a patient's airway, breathing, circulation, disability and exposure (ABCDE approach) make up the essential steps of the primary survey. This approach

  • Heart Rate Physiology

    1318 Words  | 6 Pages

    Physiology of Heart Rate Cardiovascular system generally is defined as the circulation of blood throughout the body to supply oxygen and nutrients and removal of waste products [1]. In addition, heart rate refers to the amount of times the heart beats per minute. The heart beats allows the blood to be pumped out of the heart and into the body supplying oxygen in order for the muscles to work or to the lungs for re-oxygenation [1]. A normal resting heart rate ranges from 60-100 beats per minute

  • Mr Borg Case Study

    310 Words  | 2 Pages

    Mr. Borg stands 5 foot 11 inches tall and weighs 210 pounds. Vital signs: oral temperature of 99.0 degrees Fahrenheit, blood pressure110/68 via left arm, heart rate102 bpm, respirations of 20, and oxygen saturation 96% on room air. Patient is awake, alert, and oriented to person, place, and time. Head is normocephalic, without masses, lesions, and/or abnormalities. Eyes are equally round and reactive to light, with extra ocular movements intact; no pallor or icterus noted; reading glasses are used

  • Essay On Jumping Jacks

    714 Words  | 3 Pages

    What is the effect of that time has on pushups compared to jumping jacks on the heart rate? If participants do pushups and jumping jacks then the heart rate will be at a higher rate doing jumping jacks then the participant doing pushups, because jumping jacks activate more muscles when performing the exercise compared to pushups so the heart rate will be more.To insure success in a experiment the scientist must make a null hypothesis. For example, the heartrate will not increase when doing jumping

  • The Negative Effects Of Marijuana

    1358 Words  | 6 Pages

    greater than the front, after smoking. This is believed to cause the high sensation the user may feel. The short-term effect of marijuana will increase blood pressure and pulse rate up to 16 points above normal. It will also slow down the digestive processing of food. People who smoke marijuana often will have a below normal pulse rate and blood pressure. A chronic user may experience dizziness or even faint. A user may not even need to be high to experience that, if the person stands up quickly

  • Holistic Assessment Case Study

    991 Words  | 4 Pages

    Holistic Assessment- Mr. Eric (student’s spouse) Performing a thorough health assessment lays the foundation for any health provider to be able to provide effective and efficient care to patients. When performing a health assessment this allows the health provider an insight as to how to diagnose a patient, plan how to take care of patient, implementing interventions and evaluation the outcome of the nursing process in providing patient care. When a nurse performs a holistic assessment, it is simply

  • Jane Doe Case Summary

    853 Words  | 4 Pages

    Jane Doe has a history of Hypertension, TIA, CAD and was a previous smoker. She received a cardiac catheterization in May of 2017 to check the function of the heart. In June of 2017 she came in with a complaint of right leg pain when walking a block and takes roughly an hour for the pain to subside. We started with bilateral segmental pressures and VPRs of the lower extremities. The left leg has triphasic waveforms all the way down the leg with an ABI of 1.05. The VPR shows the limb is receiving

  • Fitbit Research Paper

    839 Words  | 4 Pages

    other dedicated sleep tracking devices. As indicated earlier, sleep tracking is only a plus and not one of the main features in Fitbit HR. Quality Fitbit HR can be sad to be a super powered tracking device with unique heart rate technology- Pure Pulse- which makes it possible for continues heart rate monitoring all day and at night. The heart rate technology puts Fitbit ahead of its competition. The heart rate data is now more accurate and consistent than any other fitness device has achieved before

  • Heart Rate Lab Report

    381 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the experiment, I thought that running in place would raise your heart rate, and that proved to be true. In our experiment group members ran in place for five minutes and took their heart rate every minute, and at the end of five minutes every group member’s heart raise rose. After five minutes one group member’s heart rate rose from 100 beats per minute to 176 beats per minute, an increase of 76 beats per minute. Another group member had their heart rate raise from 60 to 88 beats per minute

  • DRABC: The Primary Survey

    1149 Words  | 5 Pages

    The systematic approach of DRABC, also known as the Primary Survey, is strictly followed to diminish the mistreatment and misdiagnosis of the patient. This initial assessment becomes vital as it prioritizes the paramedics safety and the patient’s pre-hospital care. The Primary Survey (PS) consists of; Danger, Response, Airway, Breathing and Circulation. However, the primary survey may differ regarding the patient’s conscious level. If the patient is unresponsive, the survey becomes DRCAB, in contrast

  • Bean Beetle Lab Report

    1644 Words  | 7 Pages

    Introduction The bean beetle also known as the Callosobruchus maculatus, is an agricultural pest insect from Africa and Asia. That can be found throughout the tropical and subtropical regions. The lifecycle of a bean beetles is quite short an adult been beetle lays their eggs on the external surface of a bean. The larva hatches from the egg burrows from the egg through the seed coat and into the bean endosperm without moving outside the protection of the egg. When it comes to mating both virgin and

  • Creative Writing: Bacteria

    520 Words  | 3 Pages

    He lifted his mask onto his face, making sure he wouldn't inhale anything but his own bacteria. With a pull at David gloves, he checked the monitor for abnormalities. Blood volume 70 lm/kg and a heart rate of 500 beats per minute— though a little higher than most rodents—it was stable. Silence was key—as increase would immediately upset it. David pulled up his gloves once more, making sure his hands were covered, as he was continued to approach it. As he opened its cage, its eyes were red, leaving

  • Exercise Stress Lab Report

    421 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction An exercise stress echocardiogram is a test that doctors use to check how well your heart muscle and valves are working. You will need to walk on a treadmill for this test. An echocardiogram uses sound waves (ultrasound) and a device called a transducer to make an image of your heart. What happens before the procedure? Follow your doctor's instructions about eating and drinking before the test. Do not drink or eat foods with caffeine for 24 hours before the test. Ask your doctor what

  • Heart Rate Lab Report

    978 Words  | 4 Pages

    calculated after the routine was performed. Jazz, contemporary, and hip hop styles of choreography were performed. At the start of each performance, the exhibitor and dancer’s heart was measured. Afterwards, the heart rate reflected a rise in the heart’s pulse rate. Throughout the research process, it was concluded that the importance of health was vital. With all of the components considered, reflected upon, and analyzed it was determined that the specific style of dance does have a direct effect on the

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of Resistance Training

    1564 Words  | 7 Pages

    Resistance training is a type of training that requires an athlete to work against a resistance, usually with the use of weights (Fleck and Kraemer,1951). Resistance training can lead to several adaptations over time such as: increased strength, power, mass and endurance (Haff and Triplett 1994). However, before these structural adaptations occur, the body must first go through neural adaptations. Seynnes, de Boer and Narici (2007) stated that it is widely accepted that the initial strength gain

  • Population Growth Disadvantages

    1910 Words  | 8 Pages

    Population education is a study programme designed to help people understand the nature, causes, and consequences of population events by analyzing population situations at family level, community, nation, and the world at large. In this perspective; a) Elucidate on how rapid population growth is affecting the quality of life by categorizing the repercussions in each of the following aspects; i) Economic life Economic development is closely correlated with urbanization. No country has ever reached

  • Technology In Home Care: Data And Wisdom Model

    788 Words  | 4 Pages

    The settings on the ventilator show the nurse, among many other raw data, the patient’s rate of breathing and the amount of pressure of air being pushed into the lungs. The electronic pulse oximeter shows the nurse what the patient’s blood oxygen level is, along with the patient’s heart

  • Vital Signs

    985 Words  | 4 Pages

    Taking the pulse is counting how many beats your heart puts out in a minute. The normal range for this is 60-90 beats per minute. One way to obtain a pulse is by placing you pointer finger and your middle finger on the patient’s wrist on the side where the thumb is located. The carotid artery on the side of the neck is another location. The nurse also likes to feel the pulse on the foot to indicate if there is proper circulation. Taking a stethoscope