2. RESEARCH QUESTIONS: 1. What are the different forms of loneliness and alienation? 2. What are the factors that led to a sense of loneliness and alienation? 3. What are the effects of loneliness and alienation? 4. How do lonely and alienated individuals approach life? 5. How do individuals cope up with loneliness and alienation? 6. To what degree can one withstand the effects of loneliness and alienation? 3. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES: • To determine the causes and types of loneliness and alienation
Unit 3: Formation of ionic and metallic bonds Key unit competence: Describe how properties of ionic compounds and metals are related to the nature of their bonding 3.1. Introduction Activity 3.1 Look at the pictures above and answer the following questions. Record your answers and discuss them in your groups. 1) Observe carefully pictures A, B and C and suggest the similarity between them. 2) What can you say about the chloride and sodium ions in the pictures above? 3) What holds the chloride
The Importance of Providing Oral Care Brushing your teeth, how do you feel when you brush your teeth? When you wake up in the morning what is your routine, get up use the restroom, brush your teeth, and then go on about getting ready for the day? How would you feel if you couldn’t brush your teeth whither it be because you don’t have access to a toothbrush or toothpaste, or what if you couldn’t even remember to brush your teeth in the morning or evenings? When you don’t brush your teeth you feel
Synthesis, molecular modeling and bio-evaluation of cycloalkyl fused 2-aminopyrimidines as antitubercular & antidiabetic agents 1. Introduction: o The target name and type: The target in this paper is the mycobacterial di-hydro folate reductase, alpha-glocosidase and glycogen phosphorylase The type of the targets is enzymes. o Diseases that associated with the target: The diseases that associated with the target are diabetes and tuberculosis. o Biological activity of the compounds: Minimum inhibitory
MODAFINIL:DRUG OF THE MODERN ERA Modafinil(commonly known by the brand names Provigil, Alertec, Modavigil etc) is an oral drug that is used to induce wakefulness in patients with sleepiness. It reduces fatigue and enhances alertness in an individual. It is also known as nootropic. It is usually taken once in a day with or without eating your meal. Modafinil is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of narcolepsy or Obstructive sleep apnea hyperpnoea syndrome (OSAHS)
SOCIAL WELFARE POLICY AND SERVICE According to (Terminology Committee for Social Work, 1995) social policy is the accepted guideline for the changing, maintenance or creation of living conditions conducive to human welfare. Social policy is more like a guide line that is driven by the basic human needs of people in a particular community. There are policy makers in the country and the social worker is one of the policy makers as they understand the basic human needs of people and they are able
Fighting Sleep Disorders the Natural Way! Do you wake up early wanting to sleep for a while? Do you still feel fatigued even after a good night's sleep? Do you snore all night long, that disturbs you as well as the one sleeping besides you? Have you ever wondered the reasons behind these? Have you thought of the future problems this might cause? You do not have to worry. You are among many others who often ignore such symptoms and land up suffering with Sleep Disorders. You have a chance now to help
Case study 5 The design of an inhibitor for the enzyme thymidylate synthase is a representation for how de novo drug design and structure-based drug design can go hand-in-hand. In the human body, this enzyme uses the coenzyme, 5,10-methylentetrahydrofolate, to catalyze the addition of a methyl group to the substrate deoxyuridylate monophosphate (dUMP). The product of this reaction is deoxythymidylate monophosphate (dTMP). Because molecules that inhibit thymidylate synthase tend to display anti-tumor
Physical Beauty In a perfect world, inner beauty would be the only thing that was considered important about a person, while their physical appearance would just be something a part of them that wouldn’t determine a person’s character. However, this is not the case, this isn’t a perfect world. The perception of beauty has always been shown that it only involved outward appearance, yet that sounds ignorant so people tend to announce that inward beauty is what matters most, when it’s not actually
They cry for a reason, either – • They are hungry. • They are in pain or poorly. • They are tired. • They are wet or dirty. • They miss you. • They are bored. They don’t cry to manipulate – they may learn to as a toddler, but definitely not as a newborn baby, which is the stage this book covers. Your newborn baby’s cry is designed to make you feel stressed! If it didn’t then you wouldn’t attend to the baby’s needs as quickly. Sometimes Dads have a hard time adapting to breast-feeding. Many say
INTRODUCTION Mindfulness –based cognitive therapy was introduced in 1995 to assess the problems of recurrent depression. It is based on the notion that meditation helps effectively and regulates attention to effectively manage and treat a range of psychological problems, including emotional response to stress, anxiety and depression. Several studies demonstrate that mindfulness approaches can effectively reduce negative emotional reaction from psychiatric difficulties and exposure to stress among
Introduction Stomatitis areata migrans (SAM) was first described by Cooke in 1955 1. It has been considered a more extensive involvement of the same process found in the geographic tongue. Geographic tongue is an interesting lesion of unknown etiology, although it has been related to emotional stress. Geographic tongue is also known as wandering rash of tongue, benign migratory glossitis, glossitis areata exfoliativa and erythema migrans. The condition consists usually of multiple areas of desquamation
I. Introduction: Almost everyone has had a headache. Headache is most common disorder of nerves system. It has estimated that 47% of adult populations have a headache. II. Definition: Headache “cephalgia “ is pain or ache occur in any region of the head, and the most common of all human physical complaints. Headache is actually a symptom rather than a disease, and has primary and secondary cause. III. Classification: 1. Primary headache disorder: is one for which no organic cause can be identified
New research showed an experimental device that may help people with tinnitus. Tinnitus is a perception of noise or ringing in the ears, a symptom of an underlying health condition. It is a common problem in one out of five people in the world. People with tinnitus often hear noises in their heads that has nothing to do with any psychiatric condition. The noise can also be head in one or both ears and may be described as a constant ringing, buzzing, or whistling sound for 24 hours a day. The irritating
Body image may be a complex phenomenon that emphasizes an individual’s mental perception and attitudes towards their appearance. Disturbances in one’s body image is a common outcome when undergoing extensive surgeries which result in an altered physical appearance. Patients with ostomy bags possibly face psychological distress as an outcome because of their altered appearance. Through my clinical experience, working with a colorectal cancer patient, I noticed the need of an ileostomy bag negative
The second theory, the Social Judgement theory is largely reliant on a person being persuaded towards an alternative decision. This change of an idea uses the power of careful consideration of the other persons idea and so becomes a judgmental process (Chau, H.F et al., 2014). Social judgement theory can influence decision making because of different factors (William L. Benoit, 1999). The social judgment theory was developed by Sheriff, Sheriff and Nebergall to explain how people could be persuaded
-14.2 Anxiety Disorders, OCD, and PTSD In reading chapter 14 (Psychological Disorders), I was interested to review mental disorders from a different perspective than when I took psychology in high school. Back then I was always looking for an explanation as to why I felt certain ways and did certain things. For example, if I thought that I heard or saw something that couldn’t have actually been there, I would automatically suspect that I was having symptoms of schizophrenia. Or if I was happy one
I learned that Obsessive compulsive disorder is often time consuming. People that have this disorder have to do things a certain way and a certain amount of times before they can go on about their day. It can affect a person life in so many different ways like as in the example that we read in class, the lady had to take four hours to do her get ready for bed night routine. Those four hours she could be sleeping, studying, or something that benefits her. There's some people that are consider about
This issue resonates with me because of the experience I have with OCD in my family. My 16-year-old sister has always been anxious, but I knew something was wrong when she texted me one day at school saying she couldn’t walk. Upon finding her, I learned that the tiles on the floors made her feel like she was drowning. Overtime, she could no longer walk into the school. Watching her try to navigate the floors with her shaky legs and teary eyes hurt my heart. Eventually she couldn't walk across our
OCD and OCPD Introduction Mental illnesses are conditions that affect and alter the person’s thoughts, feelings, or mood. They are very common and the symptoms may range from mild to severe. In some extreme cases, they might interfere with the person’s normal everyday functioning. There are many categories of mental disorders such as anxiety disorders, mood disorders, eating disorders, personality disorders, and many others. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an example of an anxiety disorder