Disadvantages Of Organic Crops Essay

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2.3 ADVANTAGES OF ORGANIC CROPS Have high levels of antioxidants Antioxidants have been linked to lowering the risk of cancer and other food related diseases (Boisvert, 2014) he argued that there were significant differences with organic and inorganic crops, he stated that organic crops were healthier because they had higher levels of antioxidants and other nutrients than compared to inorganic crops. Which is beneficially to Swazi’s because some suffer from diseases due to malnutrition. Have better ecological benefits Organic crops make use of natural substances such as compost this simply means that no harm will be done to the environment and ecology of Africa because the harmful chemicals won’t pollute the environment and destroy biodiversity …show more content…

This depletes the soils nutrients which is considered Swaziland’s greatest asset. CRITIQUE OF DISADVANTAGES OF INORGANIC CROPS: Validity: This information is valid because it makes reference to my topic as well as inorganic crops, it helps my topic in the sense that it doesn’t only talk about inorganic crops but it also makes reference to the environment and it helps farmers learn more about the disadvantages of inorganic crops. Reliability: This information is reliable because it was written by writers who have some form of qualification on the topic at hand, it is also reliable because the disadvantages are reasonable, and these disadvantages are closely related to other disadvantages I had found on the internet. Various resources were used as well. Limitations: This information limits me because some of it was written nearly 15years ago it was also written by people who reside overseas this is a limitation because the weather patterns from overseas differ from those in Africa as well as that the environment and weather patterns have changed over time from the year 2000 or

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