Al-Ghazali's Theories Of Modern Psychology

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An Essay on Similarities and Differences between Al-Ghazali’s Theories related to Psychology and Theories of Modern Psychology Leyla Esendemir 140101080 Sudenur Güngör 150101011 Süleyman Şah University PSY-112 History of Psychology May, 22, 2016 Introduction The paper aims to contribute a better understanding of contributions of early psychology from Islamic context to modern psychology and applying the materials learned in History of Psychology course.In accordance with this purpose, the study deals with an critical thinking perspective to understand differences and similarities between theories of Al-Ghazali as a scholar of early psychology from the Islamic context and theories of modern psychology. This paper consists of …show more content…

Al-Ghazali also has some studies which can be regarded as including concepts of today 's Child Psychology. He studied how children should be grew up by parents. According to him, education is the most important factor on rearing a child. He recommended being stric across children for parents but he is against excessive punishment. Along with that he offered encouraging children to play so that they can develop physically and intellectually. Also he is against parents ' ridiculing with children. When we learnt his view on development of children, we began to think that Al-Gazali made a contribution on Diana Baumrind who found 4 following parenting styles: authoritative, authoritarian, permissive,uninvolved. Baumrind 's authoritative parenting means moderate approach that emphasizes setting high standards, being nurturing and responsive, and showing respect for children. These characteristics were recommended by Al-Ghazali before Baumrind. As a difference between their theories, Ghazali focused much more on religion education …show more content…

As it was above mentioned, he wrote the books on childhood. In these books, he recommended some attitudes and behaviors for parents when rearing children as a contribution to child psychology. He pointed out that fear is a learned condition before Watson. He mentioned about human nature by emphasizing fulfilling desires like Freud. References Haque, A. (2004). Psychology from Islamic Perspective: Contributions of Early Muslim Scholars and Challenges to Contemporary Muslim Psychologists. Journal of Religion and Health, Vol. 43, 4, Hamzah, H. (2012, March). Al Ghazali & Islamic Psychology. Retrieved from Koenig, H. G., Geore, L. K., & Peterson, B. L. (1998). Religiosity and remission of depression medically ill older patients. American Journal of Psychiatry, 155,(4), 536-542. Razak, A. L. A., Mohamed, M. & Mutiu, S. (2013). COGNITIVE-BEHAVIOURAL THERAPY: A GLIMPS INTO SOME EARLY MUSLIM SCHOLARS’ CONTRIBUTIONS: Proceeding of the World Conference on Integration of Knowledge, WCIK, Langkawi,

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