Alcohol Interdependence Research Paper

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Background: Alcohol use is a public health issue worldwide and is a significant problem in India. Living with a person who has alcohol dependence is a family affair. Because it subjects all members of a household to constant stress and fears of various kinds, it has often been referred to as a “family illness.” To one degree or another, all members of the family are affected specially the spouse. Problems faced by the wife involve various spheres.

Aim: To study the problems faced by the wives of persons with alcohol dependence

Materials and methods: Wives of 20 patients with alcohol dependence who were treated at Link De-addiction centre, Mangalore, Karnataka were the participants. The study was conducted over a period of one month. Alcohol …show more content…

[1] Alcohol is widely used in our society. Alcohol dependence is characterized by tolerance; withdrawal; alcohol use in larger quantities or over a longer time period than intended; repeated unsuccessful efforts to cut down or stop drinking; greater time dedicated to alcohol-related activities; continued alcohol use despite alcohol-related health problems, and interference with recreational, occupational or social activities.[2] Alcohol consumption is associated with a wide range of adverse health and social consequences both acute and chronic. Some alcohol related problems affect individuals and few affect the society at large and continue to impose staggering social and economic burdens. In addition to negatively affecting individual’s health, a wide range of social ills including domestic violence, child abuse, and assault have all been linked to alcohol misuse.[3] The abuse of psychoactive substances is on the increase in our society today. The use of alcohol in some form or the other, as a stimulant, aesthetic, social lubricant and as a ceremonial substance has been in vague since time immemorial. We know that the psychoactive substance is an alarming problem affecting the people in various degrees and aspects. The physical, psychological, and economic damages are …show more content…

The first author (lady) personally interviewed all the wives after establishing rapport with initial introductory sessions. All participants cooperated and participated in the assessments which took roughly 45 minutes for each participant. Written informed consent was taken from all the participants and their wives for the study which was conducted over a period of one month. Alcohol dependence was diagnosed using ICD -10 criteria by the treating psychiatrist. Socio-demographic data and a questionnaire to assess problems in social, economic, psychological and relationship issues were used which was

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