
Scholarship Essay: Fulfilling The American Legion

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When I first stumbled upon this scholarship from the American Legion, I knew right away that I wanted to apply for it because of the similarities between what the American Legion and what I both stand for. I few words that I would use to describe the American Legion and myself would be, service, integrity, and hard work. These are a few things that I take very seriously and attempt to involve in my life everyday. I pride myself on these high character traits and try to use them in my community, during sporting events, at home, and at my school. I also implement these traits while fulfilling my civic duties by doing service around my community. Some of these services involve, the 20 hours of service I am required to do each year to graduate …show more content…

I enjoy outdoor sports/activities, such as, trapshooting, hunting, and fishing just with my family or friends. More competitively I also play varsity basketball, football, track, baseball at my high school and have succeeded in receiving many honors while playing these sports in the past years. But these awards and accolades are not the true reason why I love and enjoy sports so much. This past summer I had the privilege to coach and ref a youth league at my high school with hundreds of future Wahlert students and hopeful basketball players. It was really cool for me to do this because I remember being a kid in the camp when I was younger and looked up to the varsity players coaching like they were gods almost. This experience made me realize that I impact and I am a role model in so many children's lives and I try to live my life in a positive manner knowing that there are others people watching me like them. Some other ways that I use my athletic leadership as a platform in my civic involvement is in football we can volunteer at places like Hills and Dales or in track we have a service day when we go out to the other Holy Family schools and do yard work/ helps clean around the

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