Analysis Of Stream Of Consciousness

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Anita Nair is brilliant in using the style and techniques. She uses the Stream of Consciousness to attract the attention of the reader. It is like the folding of past and present and also binding the stories of six women. The whole novel unfolds the life of six women in their own point of view. The stream of Consciousness is literary device and it is also called as internal monologue. It is a narrative form by which the author writer in his or her own way that mimics or parallels a characters internal thoughts. Ladies Coupe employs a homodiegetic (a single point of view or characters perspective of many events) narrative mode with the third person limited and third person omniscient respectively. In the novel there is the parallel …show more content…

But now freedom means doing things in the favour of the circumstance. In this modern world, women are given freedom by the society yet this freedom was not used by the women instead the freedom of women was used by society by framing some sort of situations. Today women were searching for their own freedom and self-identity. Our desire is the web of our conscious life. Freedom is the essence of life because the essence is the existence of the individual which mean the existence of the character will lead to the freedom and, is existence. Freedom of the individual may change; it is on the basis of the choice. We can see that freedom is not easy to accept and most people will turn back from the openness of the world to the prison of the …show more content…

Without the expectation go through the domestic oppression of women in the hands of the families and every women acquires a misplacement of silence not only to family but even to discover their inner source of dynamism and creative wellspring. She also portrays the male dominance in the family and unvoiced nature of the women. Her perspective of physical and psychological problem of women is an eye-opener to all. The women in Anita Nair’s novel are silent in the male dominated family but they get a chance to communicated among the women in the compartments, may be this is the reason to name the novel as Ladies

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