
Andrew Jackson Informative Essay

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Have you ever thought about money? Why that person 's face is on that money? I 'm going to tell you about Andrew Jackson, and if I think that Andrew Jackson should be on the twenty dollar bill or not. The characteristics I think that you should have to get onto money are, being respectful, kind, and a leader, you can be any race or gender. Here 's why I think Andrew Jackson should be on the twenty dollar bill. He grew up in a hard life, his mother had died and his father left. He had to fend for himself. He was selfless he helped the militia in a fight and when he was sick and tired. He gave up his horse and let a sick militia boy ride on the horse while he walked. He was determined, he never gave up. He also raised a child when he was older. These facts prove that Andrew Jackson should be on the twenty dollar bill because he lived a hard life at first. He wanted to prove to people that he was great and nothing would stop him. Next I 'm going to tell you why I think Andrew Jackson shouldn 't be on the twenty dollar bill. He killed Indians and then adopted or took in their son after murdering them. He was unstable, he killed tons and yet was so kind to take in a kid. He would have duels. He also had really bad temper he would get mad very easily. He was also racist by having slaves work for …show more content…

Here is what I think, I don’t think Andrew Jackson should be on the twenty dollar bill. He is unstable, one moment he 's fighting and killing Indians then all of the sudden he 's taking their son in. He was racist, he had slaves. I know he had a hard life growing up but that’s no excuse to do the things he did. He treated people rudely, by having slaves and solving things by duels. If he would have solved things by talking and figuring things out and being more peaceful I would say yes, but he didn 't. He drove Indians out of their home and kept them in camps just like concentration camps, that were out in the weather and had very unsanitary

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