
Andrew Jackson Villain Essay

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The First American Villain Villains don’t always wear capes or tight suits, some might just look like an old rich white man in the running for president in 1824 whose name was Andrew Jackson. Jackson was very ‘American’ so he believed that the Manifest Destiny was a duty from god that the US had to own land from sea to shining sea. He also created the Nullification Crisis and Force Act which really created more hate between the North and the South. Lastly he made the Westward Expansion, or what the Cherokee call, The Trail of Tears. This happened during the presidency of none other than Andrew Jackson and it authorized him to trade/ take the land from the Cherokee and move them west past the Mississippi River. For more information on these times, just read below. …show more content…

Jackson believed that it was a duty from god that the US had to own land from sea to shining sea. This meant that anything or anyone that got in the way would soon be out of the way. Jackson decided to expand the US west towards their unsettled land. The Native Americans had already settled it but were not willing to give up their land so they went to court. The Natives won the case but Jackson refused to lose so he overruled the supreme court (because of his power) and expanded the US anyways. Secondly, the Nullification Crisis and Force Act, this really created more hate between the North and the South. In the Nullification Crisis Jackson created and law and it was passed but the state of South Carolina did not want to follow it. Andrew Jackson threatened South Carolina that he would kill if they didn’t follow the law. It was and is still against the constitution for any state to not follow a federal law. This created Sectionalism which meant that Jackson gave special privileges to states or regions that he liked. This stirred up more hate between the North and the

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