Denise B. Geier, an instructional specialist at Montclair State University and Deborah Lee, PhD recently wrote an article on the effects and social consequences of bullying. They provide definitions of terms relating to bullying, discuss the key players of the issue and why it typically occurs during the teenage years. In their article, they describe how some children are more prone to bullying than others and how schools are addressing the issue. Geier and Lee use statistics and examples to support their arguments. The goal of their article is to provide background on bullying, why bullying may occur, and the reasons why some kids are more susceptible to exhibiting bullying behavior.
At some point in everyone’s life, it’s seems as though we’ve all experienced either getting bullied or being the bully. Bullying has become a rising phenomenon which has lead to many injuries, mental illness, and in some cases, even death. The article written by Dorothy L. Espelage titled “Bullying in Early Adolescence: The Role of the Peer Group”, dissects the definition of bullying and explores the importance of the peer group throughout the youth’s progression within the school system with regards to bullying. Studies have taken notice that this form of aggressive behaviour towards a specific person or group is seen mostly in schools. According to a study conducted by, children ages 12-18, who reported being bullied in the
Hébert, M., Cénat, J. M., Blais, M., Lavoie, F., & Guerrier, M. (2016). Child Sexual Abuse, Bullying, Cyberbullying, And Mental Health Problems Among High Schools Students: A Moderated Mediated Model. Depression and Anxiety, 33(7), 623-629. doi:10.1002/da.22504 The study was designed to explore the direct and indirect links between child sexual abuse and cyberbullying, bullying, and mental health problems as well as to study maternal support as a potential protective factor.
Bullying There are many bullies in our country. A student may become a bully for various reasons. Kids might bully to be in a group or they might cyberbully. Bullies sometimes might bully to get in a group because, according to Joel Harber in the story, Tales of Bullying by Laura Modigliam, “They do it to connect with kids they have things in common with.
New studies show that serious illness, struggling to hold down a job, and poor social relationships are just some of the outcomes when bullied as children. It also shows that they bully-victims can’t cope with being bullied so they become bullies
Bullying is any unwanted, aggressive behavior among school age (although it can happen with adults too) children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human
In the article, why our approach to Bullying is Bad for kids. The author expounds on several concepts. One, the author elaborates on the past definition of the phrase/concept of bullying as opposed to today’s definition which consist of a broader phase of bullying such as isolation. The author also sheds light on how preadolescent and adolescent development can affect how children deal with bullying.
Loo Huan Ting ID #: 02359329 CMST 180 Tuesday & Thursday 2:20 11/13/14 Annotated Bibliography The invention of the Internet has created a new space for bullying. McClatchy, Komolafe Kaz. “States seek ways to fight newest form of bullying” St. Paul Pioneer Press. 25 August 2012:
Bullying What is bullying? The unethical harassment of one individual by another which results to psychological, social or mental issues of the primary person. Bullying can also be perceived as an aggressive behavior exerted on an individual with the intention to hurt him. The act happen when a person, in position of power, deliberately attack or intimidate someone in a lower position. In the early ages, most children are exposed to the acts of bullying, and this happens mostly in schools, universities, residential schools, etc.
Bullying is an undesirable, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves actual disparity of power. According to Megan Brooks bullying is a serious public health problems, with significant short-and long-term psychological consequences for the child who is bullied and the child who is the bully. This only tells us that bullying can lead to difficulty that a certain children may experience and will have either short or long term problem. “Bullying has long been tolerated as a rite of passage among children and adolescents, but it has lasting, negative consequences and cannot simply be ignored.” Committee chair Frederick Rivera, MD.
Bullying has been named an “emerging public health issue requiring intervention” (Ansary, Elias, Greene, & Green, 2015, p. 27). As a major problem in schools around the world, the issue of bullying must be addressed in order to keep students physically and emotionally safe. The act of bullying not only affects the well-being of the person being targeted, but it also affects the rest of the school community too. It can be difficult for teachers, principals, and superintendents to make an ethical decision about what to do when bullying occurs because there are misunderstandings about what bullying is, leading to the improper identification of situations.
Bullying is a widespread problem in our schools and communities and has a negative impact on students’ right to learn in a safe and secure environment without fear. It is a process in which one person repeatedly uses his/her superior strength or influence to mistreat, attack or force another person to do something (Van der Werf, 2014). Bullying or peer victimization is now recognized as a complex and pervasive problem (Beran, 2009). It is an ongoing problem that is not restricted by age, race, gender or class. This behavior generally takes one of four forms, physical such as assault, verbal which involves threats or insults, social which entails exclusion or rumor spreading, and cyber which includes aggressive texts or social network posts
Bullying Can Be Prevented Bullying is a form of violence to pick on victims because they are different from their bullies, have insecurity/jealousy or home problems. The hate towards their victim has something to do with the victim having an unusual gift or being intelligent the bullies has yet to become. It is important that this behavior should be prevented or it will become worse. Bullying is one of the main issues public and private schools have to face on a day-to-day basis. When the bully takes it too far, the victim snaps and retaliates by fighting him/her back physically or verbally.
Bullying in Schools What seems fun and harmless for some students, is painful and degrading to others. Bullying has been a critical issue around schools, but before it was not as dangerous and know as it is now. These do not means bullying was not happening, it means it was not taken into consideration by parents or teachers. They thought it was just peer pressure or a kids game, and sooner or later the kids would be friends again. At one point, bullies think it’s normal to be mean and abusive to other students.
Bullying is defined as repeated oppression, physical or psychological of a less powerful individual by a more powerful individual, people or group. It consists of three main types of abuse which are physical, verbal and emotional. Bullying in schools is a common and worldwide spread problem that can have critical and negative implications on the general school climate as well as on the right of students to study in a safe and secure environment without fear. Many people believe that bullying is part of life, happens in all schools and so it’s not an issue to worry about and that it lets individuals know what life is all about as it toughens them but in reality bullying is a detrimental problem that affects most school going children and teenagers physically, emotionally and socially.