Arabic And English Essay

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2.1 Similarities between Arabic and English Syntactic Structure English and Arabic has the same grammatical pattern in the conditionals. Students study Arabic conditional as hypothetical. The conditional comes as an if-clause and a main clause. In English, the conditional comes as a main clause and a subordinate clause. This syntactic structure is similar to Arabic structure. These similarities make the conditional patterns easy to Jordianian students to learn. They transfer their knowledge from Arabic. Possible teaching techniques for teaching ‘conditional if’ can be conducted by the teachers by first looking at the differences between English and Arabic. In English structure, there are two kinds of conditional forms. Those are the unreal conditional form and the real conditional form. In Arabic, the unreal conditional form use the term لو (law), whereas the real conditional form use the term إذا (‘iidha). Arabic …show more content…

They will omit the word ‘would’ because this word is not used in the context of Arabic structure. The similarities of Arabic structure and English structure can be found in the use of conjunctions. The meaning and the function of conjunctions between Arabic and English are the same. Therefore, Arabic learners are able to assist and transfer their knowledge in Arabic structure to their understanding of English conjunctions. "There are three kinds of conjunctions in English which are the same as Arabic. Those are simple connective (and), contrasting connective (but), and connective of consequence (so). These three conjunctions/connectives (and, but, so) are found in Arabic structure with the same function as in English. These are the examples of the connectives: 1. In Arabic, the connective ‘and’ is translated as و (wa). The connective /wa/ is used to connect words, phrases, clauses, and sentences (Catford et al,

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