
Bath Bomb Hypothesis

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Developing a topic for Science Fair will never be easy unless you have a little background about that certain topic. One particular scientist is developing her topic by researching questions she has that revolved around her topic. The scientist will be researching how water temperature can affect the chemical reaction rate between baking soda and citric acid within a bath bomb. The independent variable will be the temperature of the water (mL). The dependent variable will be the chemical reaction rate which is formed by baking soda (g) and citric acid (g). The scientist first began by researching what exact ingredients are used to create bath bombs. Bath Bombs come in all different sizes, shapes, and colors but they all have the same three main ingredients; citric acid, Epsom Salt, cornstarch and baking soda. Overall these ingredients have a purpose in a bath bomb. The source Pinpossible: Bath Bomb, states “The Epsom salts are used to give the bath a more therapeutic soak and are …show more content…

In the experiment, the chemical rate will be between the baking soda and citric acid as state before. The temperate of the water will have a great effect on the reaction rate because it will either speed up the process or slow it down. The article the effect of temperature on reaction rates states, “As you increase the temperature the rate of reaction increases. As a rough approximation, for many reactions happening at around room temperature, the rate of reaction doubles for every 10°C rise in temperature” (The effect of temperature on reaction rates, 2013). The water that the scientist will be placing the bath bombs in will be room temperature and as soon as you increase that temperature, the rate will increase. The higher the temperature, the faster it takes for the citric acid and baking soda to react. When the temperature is lower, it will take less time for the chemicals to

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