
Berlin Airlift Research Paper

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The Berlin Airlift paper will focus on the prelude to conflict. In 1948, the Western Powers (Great Britain, France, and US) plans to rebuild Germany varied from that of the Soviet Union. There would be no compromise and as a result, Stalin wanted them out of Berlin. In early 1948, tensions between the once former Allies were at their peak. On April 9, 1948, Stalin ordered all American Military personnel maintaining communications equipment out of the Soviet controlled Berlin. On June 22nd, they placed armed guards aboard all trains, attached a Soviet locomotive and towed it back to Western Germany. On June 24, 1948, all land and water access to West Berlin was cut off by the Soviets and no more supplies from the west was allowed in. Where …show more content…

We can take humiliation and pressure short of war in Berlin without losing face. I believe the future of democracy requires us to stay here until forced out.” - General Lucius D Clay US Army (nationalcoldwarexhibition.org) Berlin Airlift and America's finest hour / Andrei Cherny.) [resource] : the untold story of the Berlin Airlift and America's finest hour / Andrei Cherny.)

Post WWII, Germany was divided between, the United Stateof America, Soviet Union, Great Britain, and France. The Soviet Union controlled the Eastern half of Germany, and the Western half was divided among the United States, Great Britain, and France. The capital city of Berlin, was in the middle of the Soviet-controlled Eastern half and divided into four parts, half being Soviet controlled, and the rest again divided amid the others. A four-power provisional government, called the Allied Control Council, was installed in Berlin to control and rebuild the city of Berlin. (Spirit of Freedom) Berlin Airlift and America's finest hour / Andrei Cherny.) ][resource] : the untold story of the Berlin Airlift and America's finest hour / Andrei …show more content…

However, it was apparent to everyone that the blockade had been a diplomatic failure for the Russians. The Soviets were portrayed as international bullies, holding men, women, and children hostage in West Berlin and threatening them with starvation. The successful American airlift also backfired against the Russians by showcasing the technological superiority of the United States. By the time the Soviets ended the blockade, West Germany had become a separate and independent nation. After the Berlin Airlift the United States had become the Military Power that even to this day helps out all over the world with bringing food Medical supplies in times on natral disasters with its roots coming from the Berlin Airlift. (History.com) Berlin Airlift and America's finest hour / Andrei Cherny.)[resource]: the untold story of the Berlin Airlift and America's finest hour / Andrei

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