Good Samaritan Analysis

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The parable has great meaning to it and can be applied anyone’s say, but it can effectively to 14yr olds. Unfortunately we get so caught up in gossip, and what people think of us, that we forget to love at this stage of being a teenager. We need to encourage each other to help people, it could be picking up a piece of rubbish, making it easier for the grounds men, to seeing the person that is the class outcast and being their friend. These are things that 14yr olds and anybody could do more often to be more like the Good Samaritan, by putting others needs before us.
2.0 Biblical Criticism
The Church teaches that application of Biblical criticism (including form criticism and narrative criticism) helps the reader better understand the purpose …show more content…

advent (what people expect); reversal of expectation (what Jesus says); the new vision and action (how people must change) to explain the purpose and meaning of selected parables. The example used in this report is the Good Samaritan parable. In the parable two well-known figures in society, a priest and a Levite, see the man needing help but choose not to help. The priest and Levite would have known the law of loving your neighbour as much as yourself, but chose to walk by, not bothering about the man. This is when Jesus reverse’s the expectation of the crowd or reader as he puts a Samaritan, (a person or group of people who were hated in those days) as the caring person, who looks after the man. He not only bandages the man he also pays for the man to stay in the inn. So for Jesus to put a Samaritan as the good guy after a priest and Levite had neglected the man, definitely drove home his message. Of loving your neighbour, no matter who they are or what they’ve done. Also, understanding who your neighbour is, and fully loving …show more content…

In the parable, there are 4 characters and only one of the 4 characters has any lines. The rest of the characters are understood as it were through mime. The road from Jericho to Jerusalem was very dangerous to travel along alone, this is assumed knowledge of Luke to help support the characters of the robbers. So when the man is attacked it is no surprise that he was attacked, the author puts no colour on the man, All we know about him is that he is a victim left bleeding, dying, and helpless. The priest and Levite are 2 privileged people in society, and very well know the law of loving your neighbour, nevertheless it is mentioned for both of them to have seen the man but crossed to the other side of the path. However, the Samaritan, who was hated at the time, (mainly by Jews) was filled with compassion and chose to look after the injured man. The Samaritan used his own supplies to cleanse and soothe the man’s wounds, his own animal to carry him, his own money to pay for his care, and his own reputation and credit to vouch for any further expenses the man’s care would

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