Biography Of Bernice Pauahi Bishop

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The Four Pillars of Bernice Pauahi Bishop
Bernice Pauahi Bishop, a philanthropist and princess of the Kamehameha family, is a leader that I admire. Throughout her life, from December 19, 1831 and October 16, 1984 (Hudson 4), Pauahi created a will that allowed her to be influential in providing education for the youth of Hawaii. Her will declared that her estate would be used to “erect and maintain in the Hawaiian Islands two schools, one boys and one girls, to be known as, and called the Kamehameha Schools (Hudson 6).” Her actions and livelihood follow the four pillars of Jesuit Leadership and exemplifies what a leader is. Born in 1831 to royalty from both her parents, Pauahi had a very lavish life. She attended a highly selective school and enjoyed horseback riding, swimming, music, and wore Victorian Era clothing (as any affluent young woman would of the 19th century would) (Hudson 21). As the great-granddaughter of Kamehameha Nui, the most powerful king in Hawaii, and the last royal descendant of the Kamehameha Dynasty, she inherited thousands of acres of land in Hawaii. At the time of her death, she owned 9% of all land in the Hawaiian Islands, granting her the title of the largest private landowner in Hawaii, and that title remains to this day (Hudson 5). Pauahi was well aware of her power. She knew that she had the money and …show more content…

Although she was expected to marry her half-brother (this was customary in Hawaiian royalty), Lot Kapuaiwa, she loved Charles Reed Bishop above all and married him, not Lot (Kanahele 46). Her love for Charles Reed Bishop was so great that she went against the wishes of her parents, the king, and the royal court. And yet, she was unrelentingly kind to Lot, whom was rumored to have affections for Pauahi (Kanahele 46). He was so fond of Pauahi that he still asked her to be his successor to the throne. Her love impacted everyone she

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