
Boston Massacre: Leading Up To The American Revolution

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Leading up to the Boston Massacre Who knew that a shot fired by British soldiers in the streets of Boston in 1770 would spark the American Revolution? It all started with King George III, who became king of Great Britain and Ireland in 1760. He was only 22 years old. The first war that he participated in was known as the French and Indian War. “When France’s expansion into the Ohio River valley brought repeated conflict with the claims of the British colonies, a series of battles led to the official British declaration of war in 1756.” (French and Indian War) The British were not so lucky during the first year, they ended up losing all ties with their Native American alliances. Years gone by of continuous fighting, by 1763, France 's allies …show more content…

Colonists did not agree that the British government should raise revenue when it comes to taxing the colonies. The most notable for all that happening was the Stamp Act, the Townshend Tariffs and the Tea Act. The colonists also did not agree with the fact that they were not having the same rights as other British subjects. Because of that, violence occurred on the day of March 5, 1770, which was known as the Boston Massacre. The British soldiers ended up killing five men who were Samuel Gray, Samuel Maverick, James Caldwell, Patrick Carr, and Crispus Attucks. A few years gone by and they passed yet another act known as the Intolerable Acts. They passed this act because in December of 1773, “a band of Bostonians dressed as Mohawk Indians boarded British ships and dumped 342 chests of tea into Boston Harbor.” (American Revolutionary History) Parliament decided to pass those acts to uphold imperial authority in …show more content…

The next trial was for the British soldiers, their trial did not start till November 27th and ended up lasting till December 5th. The soldiers they prosecuted was Corporal William Wemms, James Hartigan, William McCauley, Hugh White, Matthew Kilroy, William Warren, John Carrol and Hugh Montgomery. Adams made it sound like the colonists had a way to defend themselves, yet the soldiers only had little, he also quoted “had the right to fire due to self defense.” But, Patrick Carr while he was laying in his death bed, had a testimony and agreed that his men were provoking and that they had a right to fire due to self defense. The jury ended up freeing six soldiers except two who were guilty of manslaughter, they were Hugh Montgomery and Matthew Kilroy. The Effect of Crispus Attucks Death Crispus Attucks was an important part in American history because of his presence in the Boston Massacre, his role as a Revolutionary Martyr, and his trials. Attucks body ended up being transported to Faneuil Hall but since segregation was a big concept back then, many believed he shouldn’t be buried with the other four men who. He is “an important figures in African-American history, not for what he did for his race but for what he did for all oppressed people everywhere.” (Who Was Crispus

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