Essay On Underemployment System

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INTRODUCTION This chapter presents the introduction of the study including the background, theoretical framework, research paradigm, purpose statement, research problem, and hypothesis. Information technology plays a vital role in today’s industries. Doubling outputs relative to manual works, Companies chose to replace the manpower with technology instead to increase efficiency. However, it is evident that it was not impossible for technology to totally replace men. Because of that, the rate of underemployment is still increasing that is why majority of the country’s institutions still do not adopt this technology. But as the years passed, the number of people grew and the manual method of managing a person's records, prescriptions, billing …show more content…

It was established upon the approval of the secretary of education on June 8, 1971 and started its operations in 1972. As the institution started, it merely provides a quality education at low cost. Since there are many students who were incapable of sending themselves to school, the government of Bulacan offered scholarship programs for those who were really eager to learn, finish their study, and find a stable job to provide their needs. The scholarship grantees were increasing after some years and the institution decided to come up with a manual system that handles the scholarship grantees' records. The students were required to fall in line, fill up a form for their personal information be submitted to scholarship officer, pass their evaluation of grades to identify if they are qualified to be a scholar and the administrator will assess their payment then keep their records to track them next time for the renewal of scholarship. Although, there are no problems yet regarding with keeping those data files in the institution, it is necessary to conduct a study to find solutions in order to avoid those problems to

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