
Catherine Gibbs Case Study

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Catherine Gibbs is a 25-year old female who functions within the Mild range of Intellectual Disability. She has a diagnosis of Intermittent Explosive Disorder, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Catherine is verbal and ambulatory. Catherine resides in a residential home and requires 24-hour care and supervision. She has a history of challenging behaviors, which are monitored by her Residential Behavioral Plan. There is no noted history of arrests.

Behavioral Information:
Catherine was assessed in one assessment session at her residence. She was cooperative during the session. Catherine initially appeared comfortable with the examiner. Regarding language, Catherine could answer questions appropriately in short sentences. She maintained …show more content…

Of note, it does not require verbal abilities to complete. A T-score of 50 indicates a basic understanding of sexual knowledge and above 70 indicates adequate knowledge higher than peers. Catherine obtained a T-score of 42, suggesting some understanding compared to her peers with disabilities. The SKKAAT-R provides a categorized assessment and gives a sense of knowledge gaps and specific attitudinal concerns. The following provides a categorized summary of Catherine’s SSKAAT-R results:
I. Anatomy:
Catherine demonstrated a moderate understanding of basic knowledge in human anatomy. She could identify the non-sexual parts of the male and female laminates, the provide terminology for women and men sexual parts, and provide a function of the male and female genitals. She could identify the gender and age differences between male and female. She could identify appropriate places for privacy and the female/male identify. She had a limited understanding of masturbation and menstruation. She had no understating of mammogram, menopause, and female …show more content…

She could identity methods of birth control. She had no understanding of the term STD’s and the universality of contracting such diseases.

V. Healthy Socio-sexual boundaries:
Catherine had knowledge in the areas of community risks and appropriateness of maintaining adequate socio-sexual boundaries with different people. She correctly identified scenarios as appropriate or not appropriate. Catherine had some understanding of sexual consent, and sexual deviances or crimes as well as their consequences. She could identify the appropriate way to interact with staff when shown scenarios. She could not identify the appropriate age to date the opposite sex.

Catherine functions within the Mild range of Intellectual Disability. She has a diagnosis of Intermittent Explosive Disorder, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Based on the current administration of the SSKAAT-R, Catherine appears to have some understanding of socio-sexual boundaries and sexual concepts, dating, pregnancy-related areas, intimacy, and knowledge of the female and male anatomy. Overall, the responses in the areas measured on the SSKAAT-R, coupled with her psychiatric and behavioral information, indicate poor judgment with informed consent to sexual

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