
Chapter Summary Of Rat Army And Rose The Nose Anderson

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Chapter Eight: Rat I. Summary The chapter begins with Graff talking with Anderson and telling him to throw Ender in unfair situations to see what he does and rank them by the increase of difficulty. Anderson disagrees and states that the game is everything at Battle School and if they change it, everything will be ruined, but Graff says that they have to prepare the soldiers for the next bugger war. Unlike Salamander Army, Rat Army has no discipline whatsoever and the commander, who is Rose the Nose, is too laid back. Dink Meeker is one of the toon leaders of Rat Army and asks for Ender to join his toon, because he thinks Ender has potential. Rose tells Ender to follow the arbitrary rules he made up, but when Ender refused to, he got annoyed …show more content…

Some of the older kids try to intimidate the Launchies to stop them from attending the extra practice sessions with Ender and a few of them try to attack the Launchies in the Battleroom. However, they manage to escape with their skills and with Ender’s help, since he beat some of the boys up. While Ender is playing the mind game, he sees Peter and is glad that he is killed in the game soon after. During the next practice session, the battle room is full and no one seems to be against it. Ender has nightmares of when he sees Peter in the game and hates the part of him that is like his malicious …show more content…

I wonder what would happen next if Ender lost all of the compassion and sympathy he had, and became just like Peter. If Ender lost all of the compassion and sympathy he had, and became just like Peter, then there would be no point for Ender to be attending Battle School, because they needed Ender to be half-Peter and half-Valentine. The teachers would probably get Valentine to reach out to Ender or the government would do everything possible to make him the way he was again. 2. What point is the author trying to make by stating, “These other armies, they aren’t the enemy. It’s the teachers, they’re the enemy” (Card 107, 108)? The author is trying to make the point that the teachers are making the soldiers hate each other just to win a game by stating, “These other armies, they aren’t the enemy. It’s the teachers, they’re the enemy” (Card 107, 108). Instead of hating each other, they really should hate the teachers, because they are the ones pitting them against each other. 3. What character are you most like? Why? I am most like Dink, because he is nice to Ender and unlike Rose, he believes in Ender, like I do with my friends. Dink knows that the battles are just a game and that they shouldn’t be killing each other because of it, which I completely agree

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