
Clinic Entrances Act Of 1994 By Edward M. Kennedy

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The definition of a woman's freedom is never truly free. In an article, author Edward M. Kennedy, wrote “Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act of 1994,” published in May of 1994. He argues that the groups of pro-life people gathering outside and blocking abortion clinics from women has gotten out of hand. Kennedy beginning to build his credibility with images and reputable sources, citing both statistics and persuasive facts, and is successfully reaching the readers emotional appeals throughout the article. This is especially when towards the end when Kennedy begins stating reliable statistics to reach the readers emotions one more time to really strengthen his argument.
In his article, Kennedy sets the scene by describing the 1973 case …show more content…

In his text he is using sayings like, “threatening violence against” and discussing horrific attacks done to the workers of the clinics. He is using these statements and facts to allow the reader to connect in a way of emotion and imagination. Making them think how they would feel if they were put in a place where they were being threatened, when the workers were doing their jobs and the patients were doing what was best for them. Using pathos in his text, especially on such a controversial topic, really allows his as an author to really control the feelings of that reader. In this case it can almost show some of the empathy that he has towards the women who must experience this. Kennedy made deliberate word choices throughout the article to ensure it would connect to the readers …show more content…

Kennedy, also proves to be a very reliable source to be writing on this topic. In the article Kennedy is a recognized as a liberal Democrat from Massachusetts and has served as a part of the U.S. Senate from 1962-2009. He is known to be associated with the increase of minimum wages, the No Child Left Behind Act, abortion rights, and immigration rights. Kennedys schooling consisted of a B.A in Government at Harvard University in 1956, then to an international law school, The Hague, in the Netherlands in 1958, and finally to the University of Virginia, LL.B. in 1959 (Edward). Although some may argue that his political views may sway what he did or did not mention in the article, he stated both sides with credibility and statistics to back both. Kennedy’s purpose in writing this article seems to both inform about the topic but to persuade the reader as well. He also seemed to intend to be writing for a resistant

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