
Compare And Contrast New England And Chesapeake Colonies

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Amid the late 16th century and into the 17th century, European nations quickly inhabited the new lands called the Americas. England sent out multiple groups to two regions in the eastern coast of North America. Those areas were called the Chesapeake and the New England locations. Later, in the end of the1700 's, these two locations would combine to create one nation. However originally both areas had very different and distinctive identities. Although they have numerous differences their characteristics resulted from one important factor, which is, the reason the settlers came to the New World. This had an impact on the settlement, economically, socially, and politically. Settlements in the Chesapeake region included Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania and the New Jerseys. The first English colony, Jamestown, …show more content…

However, another significant contrast caused by the establishing intentions was the economy of the two. As specified beforehand, the Chesapeake economy spun around the tobacco business, which prepared for different enterprises too. Slave exchange depended completely on the tobacco ranch proprietors as a market to pitch the slaves to. Moreover, the tobacco sufficiently raised to back the importation of contracted hirelings, who might then go to work the tobacco, expanding the creation further. It turned into a cycle, with the outcome being the regularly expanding creation and offer of the tobacco. New England did not "have all of it 's investments tied up on one place" very like the Chesapeake. The economy depended on angling, shipbuilding, and cultivating. The cultivating in New England was done on a substantially littler scale, notwithstanding. Since the religion (and society) was so family-situated, ranches were generally sufficiently substantial to nourish one 's family, with a little overflow. It was no where close to the span of the huge estates in the Chesapeake. This was basically in light of the fact that New England 's emphasis was not on financial

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