Compare And Contrast Spain And Spanish Colonization

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Back then around the fourteen through sixteen century many countries were looking to increase their economy and glory. Countries journeyed far and wide in search of new materials and for expansion to boost up their ego. Spain and England were two of the most powerful monarchies. Their desire for new things led them to explore and later discover many interesting parts of the “New World”, which later resulted to the colonization of the Americas. Many valuable things such as gold and silver were always on the minds of Spaniards. Because of their desire for these materialistic things, they eventually discovered America, where they looked for riches and “Fountain of Youth.” No riches could ever compare to what they actually found, this new continent. …show more content…

To them sending their people to America was a much easier choice. Both England and Spain had different motives for their colonization. They each had their own position in the Americas; England was up north while Spain was located on the Southern area. Jamestown was established as England’s first settlement which thrived with tobacco trade. Spain on the other hand had been established a hundred years before England. In 1512, a search in Puerto Rico was in place for the Fountain of Youth by Spanish explorer Juan Ponce De Leon. During this search he failed to find the Fountain of Youth but did succeed in discovering Florida. Living in America had such high perks. Better living conditions for example, this “New World had not yet been contaminated by European filth. So when the Spanish arrived in the “New World”, they brought their diseases with them, which American Indians were not immune to and began dying at a dramatic rate. Smallpox played a huge role in the famous Spanish conquests of the Aztecs in Mexico and the Incas in Peru and other diseases spread throughout North America before any English settlers even arrived on the

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