Independent Variables In Research

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CORRELATIONS The parameters that have been taken are quite varied and revolve around various variables that may affect the motivation of a consumer to purchase a counterfeit luxury product. While the direct correlations of the independent variables with the dependant variables are not that strong, there are certain correlations between the independent variables themselves that are worth mentioning. The correlations that exist between the dependant variable and the independent variables indicate that while the factors are making an impact, they are not making an impact to everyone at the same level. Everyone is pursuing the purchase of counterfeit products for varying reasons. The trends show that certain aspects have fairly strong impacts …show more content…

The higher the KMO of a test, the more the sample and the resultant data is said to be adequate for the purpose of obtaining factors out of the variables. The KMO is generally said to be at least 0.5 to be considered as adequate. 0.6 is considered acceptable, 0.7 is good, and 0.8 is very good, and so on. Our study has shown as a KMO value of 0.755 which is a decently good number. Thus, it can be said that our model is adequate and that the resultant factors that have been obtained can be considered to be valid to a rage extent. Additionally, the Significance value is also at a very comfortable 0.000 showing that the data obtained from our sample and model is completely significant as a …show more content…

Yet both these variables are technically based on the moral compass of the consumer. There are no serious legal charges for the consumer of a counterfeit product and it is barely caught as it is. A person that has his own morals in a place that says follow the law no matter what or do not indulge if it is wrong can be categorized under one roof. So to summarize, the consumers of counterfeit products are looking at more or less three major areas to make their decision on their purchases of these products. It can be seen that these factors range from being built in to who the person is, to what the people around him and the society say and feel about such purchases at the time, to the actual time of purchase variables. Thus the impact of various things on the purchase of counterfeit products has a very long consideration process and has factors ranging from what you have felt for ever, to what you are feeling now, to what you feel while making the purchase. Thus counterfeit product purchases of a consumer can be impacted at any time in his life by appealing to various different parameters at each time. Although the impact that the parameters will have on the individual will change with changing times as the society, the person, and counterfeiting itself,

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