Defining Personality: The Definition Of Morality

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Morality is defined as the principles concerning the distinction between good or evil. These are principles that are based on facts. Morality is often based on rules such as the 10 Commandments Morality is objective. It is not influenced by emotions, opinions or personal perspective. Morality is about standards where we can base what is the correct behavior. Morality also carries the concept of conscience.
Morality describes the principles that govern our behavior. These principles guide us to be fair and be in harmony with everyone. As humans, we should not be selfish and do everything to make things in our favor. We should promote equality and justice in order to live in harmony with other people in our society. A moral person should also be good and help make others good in order to have a better society. A society with good members forms a great society. So we should promote goodness and help others to become one. But, everyone should start with their own self first. In order to promote goodness, we should start with ourselves. Show them how to be a good person. Be a role model. Through this, it would be easier to help them to change for the better because you have already influenced them. Through this, we can build a good society guided by good moral norms. As a moral person, we should also deepen our relationship with our Creator, our God. We should be guided by God’s word, and follow the 10 Commandments, which is to love our neighbors and love God.

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