Amid the late 16th century and into the 17th century, European nations quickly inhabited the new lands called the Americas. England sent out multiple groups to two regions in the eastern coast of North America. Those areas were called the Chesapeake and the New England locations. Later, in the end of the1700 's, these two locations would combine to create one nation. However originally both areas had very different and distinctive identities.
Also religion was a major part of their life. They also both have farms in their Colonies. Some differences between New England and the Middle Colonies is that
Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher. Good Wives: Image and Reality in the Lives of Women in Northern New England, 1650-1750. New York: Oxford University Press: 1983. Thesis: Ulrich argues that colonial women of northern New England “were part of much larger changes in the history of the western world, yet they are best understood in the close exploration of the lives of ordinary women and men (241).”
Between 1800 and 1850, the North and South had grown distinctively different but they also had some similarities. Some of the differences & similarities between the North and South included the economy, social attitudes & structures, and daily life. The North and the South had differences & similarities with their economies. The North and the South had farmers and everyone including children worked on the family farms. As time went by, the North became more industrialized and manufacturing became the center point of their economy not agriculture.
According to table1, New England had a comparatively low slavery rate. There were 5771 slaves during 1790-1860. New England colonies primarily use slaves for household purpose. They did not have the huge slave population. On the other hand, Middle Colonies had 26.5% more slaves than New England colonies around 153,020 slaves.
There were many differences between the North and the South. For instance, the South were very agricultural as opposed to the North which were industrial. The South used cheap labor in the form of slaves, whereas the North had workers do their jobs in factories at a faster pace. Because of sectionalism, competition between the north and the south began to increase.
There were considerable differences between the North, Middle and Southern regions. The New England climate has four seasons. The climate of the Northern colonies was mild with short summers. Northern colonies have long, cold and snowy winters, however, less disease than the Southern colonies and Middle colonies. In contrast with the New England, the Southern colonies have the very warm climate.
The thirteen colonies, which were divided into 3 regions, were all different and unique in many ways. However, the diversity among the New England Colonies, the Middle Colonies and the Southern Colonies is perhaps what made them so distinctive. The differences between these three regions affected the way they lived, but later, they gained knowledge by analyzing their mistakes and differences. Although these three regions only had a few things in common, it was the differences among them that helped them grow and learn from one another.
The South consisted of slaves states and the North consisted of free states. The South’s outlook of slavery was that is beneficial for them in order to grow economically. By allowing the slaves to do the labor work on the farms without paying them was part of their plan to make a agriculture living. On the other hand, the North was more about trading and using factories to make goods where in that case they did not need slaves for those jobs. These differences were just too much for the South.
The treatment of slaves between the North and the South was drastically different. Slaves in the North typically lived in the same house as their master and worked by themselves, or in small groups (pg. 94). Slaves in the South tended to live in large plantations in which they were housed in plantation outbuildings (pg. 104). The difference between the North and the South in housing and working environment had a direct effect on the integration of African Americans into their new American society. When they were housed in the North with their masters and had limited exposure to other slaves, they tended to adopt the ways of their masters.
Most people worked for a company. The Southern states were plantation owners and worked for themselves. They depended of slave labor, so they didn't really work at all. Southern society depended on slaves, while the north depended of hard work of individuals and large organized corporations. Each side relies on different sources of labor and organization.
The Northern and Southern colonies in the seventeenth century had many differences and similarities. The differences go all the way back to the beginning as the United States was only separated into the Northern, middle and southern colonies. Each colony shared many differences mainly revolving around religion, politics, economics and social issues. The result of the way that they dealt with these issues in our country today. The Puritans established the Northern colonies and the southern colonies were ruled by The house of burgesses.
Life in the North was different from life in the South. Geography of the North and South was important to their way of life. The society in the South treated slaves badly, but African Americans in the North were free. The geography of the North includes hundreds of bays in New England.
Each colonial region was distinct in its own way. That is largely because of the pattern of colonization that occurred from 1607 to the early 1700 's. But if you really break it down, societies in the colonies were separated either economically or religiously. New England societies were primarily founded on religious views which created covenant communities originally based off of the Mayflower Compact. The people of New England colonies (Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New Hampshire) saw no real difference between separation of church and state.
North and South had economic, political and cultural differences. South economy was connected to cotton as vital staple. Cotton was very profitable and many slaves were needed to work on plantations. People that didn’t have enough money to invest on property move North for job opportunities. After the War of 1812 industrialization in the North expanded tremendously.