
Frankenstein Book Vs Movie Analysis

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The first thing we see, is that the director has changed the name of the main character with his friend. In the book, the main character is named Victor Frankenstein, but in the movie he is called Henry Frankenstein and his friend is shown as Victor Moritz. If someone read book as a first, and later saw the film, he may feel a little bit confused. This change, could take place by the fact that director wanted to soften the image of the main character, which was portrayed as an insane, desire to compare himself with the god man, the name Victor in itself sounds rather scary and very seriously, and the name Henry sounds friendly and nice for the ear.
Patryk Wojciechowski doc.dr. Ewa Rychter
Historia liteartury angielskiej 23.01.2016

Differences between movie Frankenstein 1931, and novel written by M.Shelley and what is the point of these changes.

Frankenstein monster, creature known by every single person on the world. Giant, humanoid being, who terrorize villages, kill innocent people, destroy building and humans skulls, also creature who desire love, and desire being of accepted by society. That's images of Frankenstein's monster, when I asked about him, my closed friends. These people don't read book, but what they told me about him was somehow close to what Mary Shelley wrote, they create vision of Monster only …show more content…

In the book, the main character is named Victor Frankenstein, but in the movie he is called Henry Frankenstein and his friend is shown as Victor Moritz. If someone read book as a first, and saw the movie later, he may feel a little bit confused. This change, could take place by the fact that director wanted to soften the image of the main character, which was portrayed as an insane, desire to compare himself with the god man, the name Victor in itself sounds rather scary and very seriously, and the name Henry sounds friendly and nice for the

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