Disadvantages Of Wireless Communication

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Wireless communication is the use of EM waves to transfer data between two users. A modern society that is developed by a key element called Wireless communication. Transmission from satellite, radio and television broadcasting to the now ubiquitous mobile telephone, wireless communications has revolutionized the way societies function [26]. When compared with earlier successful wired communication Wireless communication has many advantages. These are its portability, flexibility and coverage. Portability implies the freedom a hand-held device like a cell phone offers the user. The ability to add/remove devices into existing networks to without any changes in hardware that implies Flexibility. Technologies such as cellular radio enable users to move over a large area providing them coverage.
WIRELESS COMMUNICATION BLOCK The wireless communication system has three fundamental blocks like any communication system are. 1. Transmitter 2. Receiver .3. Channel .When the person who conversing with two people has to convey a message (transmitter) has to turn it into words and speak. On receiving the speech signals by the recipient (receiver) that signals are decoded and interprets the message. It is difficult for the recipient to guess the message when the environment (channel) is noisy. The speaker loudness depends on the success rate of deciphering the message, the recipient ear sensitivity, and his intelligence to guess it. Similarly, in a wireless communication system, an

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