
Dr. Seuss Accomplishments

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Can you recall your favorite childhood book? Children’s books date back to the 1800s with books like Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Later in the mid-20th century, books like The Cat in The Hat and Green Eggs and Ham brought entertainment and joy to kids all around America. Both books came to life by Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss. Geisel sold more than one hundred million copies of his books for children. His imagination and creativity influences the childhood of multiple generations by helping children learn to enjoy reading. Geisel changed the face of children’s literature in the mid-20th century, and his success still lives on today. Geisel´s success only increased as he grew through …show more content…

Seuss. Growing up as the son of a German immigrant in Springfield, Massachusetts, Theodor Geisel enjoyed reading, drawing ,and exploring the world around him. As a child, Geisel saw everyday things in a different way ,and was consistently intrigued by anything he saw. Whenever his family came across intersections, he would stay behind because he would look at the details of everything happening like “barking dogs chasing after children on their bicycles, the procession of horse-drawn vehicles---unwieldy ice wagons leaking torrents of water from their tailgates; grocers’ delivery vans laden with crates of lettuce, corn, and rhubarb, all making their way along the cobblestone streets”(Pease 12). Taking in details as little as these shows how Geisel developed his creative mind only as a child. Not only did drawing build his outgoing mind,but his curiosity also had a huge part. Geisel was regularly in his father’s workroom playing with his father’s “bicep strengthening machine”(Pease 13). Or any other gadgets he found. As a result, Geisel’s creativity as a child grew only stronger as he grew up. When Geisel made it to college his career only …show more content…

Attending both Dartmouth College and Oxford University, Geisel did not plan on pursuing a career in drawing . At Dartmouth Geisel became the editor of the school’s magazine The Jack-O-Lantern but would create “bizarre cartoon animals that would eventually become the backbone of his book illustrations”(“Theodor Seuss Geisel”). Working on the school’s magazine, Geisel slowly started his career in drawing ,but of course he did not think about becoming a children’s author. Being the editor of The Jack-O-Lantern enhanced his experience at Dartmouth because he made friends he shared interests with. Geisel attended Oxford University with an attempt to get a doctorate in English Literature, but later that changed. He would be later on convinced by “fellow student Helen Palmer” (“Seuss, Dr.”) to continue illustrating. Years after, Geisel married her. Returning to America taking Helen’s advice Geisel started work as a freelance magazine cartoonist with magazines like Vanity Fair and Life.When Geisel began his job, he started to become more known for his

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