Allergy Research Paper

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Do allergies cause joint pain?
Many scholars and researchers have explained allergy as a reaction in the body’s defends system popularly known as the immune system. It is normally caused many substances which are harmless and they include dust from a house or along the road, some food and pollen. The medical researchers believe that these allergens are not harmful to a person’s immune system, however; it produces a response that is not appropriate. There are several signs and symptoms that are evident during allergy season which includes stuffiness, neck, joint, and joint pains, sneezing and sometimes difficulty in breathing and blocked nose. Allergy can cause severe pains in the joints but cannot be directly attributed to it only. …show more content…

This could be an underlying medical condition that needs urgent medical attention especially if it is prolonged pain. People with such pains should check their diet because it could be one of the causes of allergy which is manifested in the joints in the form of pains. The food intakes of different people vary greatly because to some it can cause discomfort and to others has no negative effect on their bodies. The discomfort could be because of the allergy which may interfere with the immune system of a person.
Allergies cause a lot of discomfort and uneasiness in the eyes, throat, skin, mouth and skin which is common in many people, it can also cause the joints to ache and pain. Though this may not common, one need to know whether he or she has other conditions apart from the signs and symptoms of allergy.
Allergy only cannot cause joint pains but other signs and symptoms such respiratory complications, headaches and being in a congested place. Researchers in the medical field attribute that the signs and symptoms of joint pain are because of running nose, continuous sneezing, itching throat, mouth and eyes but not a stuffy nose, sore throat and stiff coughing which are the signs of allergy. Most people believe that any general join pain, stomachache, and headaches are caused by the foods they eat which react negatively hence; affecting the immune system. …show more content…

Some food taken can cause allergy and subsequently shows signs and symptoms of joint pains. This food and food supplement include refined grains, hydrogenated fats and oils, processed sugar, peanuts, and soy sauce. Some joint pain product reviews which help in containing the severe pains include highly fatty fish, turmeric or supplements such as omega 3 which can be taken per day in small quantities or doses.

Joint pain product reviews are vital and should be used under a doctor’s prescriptions. The medications that can offer relief include aspirin, ointments and creams such as analgesia can help in relieving the pains that people go through. The muscle and back pains can be so severe but antidepressant and relaxants medications prescribed can be of help.
In conclusion, allergy can be one of the signs and symptoms of joint pain but not it does necessarily mean that it is caused by an allergy. However, allergy is one of the many causes and signs and symptoms of joint pains. Therefore, allergies can cause joint pains but not on its own because other factors and causes can lead to joint pains.
Keywords: signs and symptoms of joint pain, joint pain product

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