Essay On Bone Fracture

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A significant percentage of bone fractures occur because of high force impact or stress. However, a fracture may also be the result of some medical conditions which weaken the bones, for example osteoporosis, some cancers, or brittle bone diseases. A fracture caused by a medical condition is known as a pathological fracture.
Most bone fractures are caused by falls and accidents. There are a number of different types of fractures, including avulsion, comminuted, and hairline fractures. A compound fracture is one that also causes injury to the overlying skin. Bone healing is a natural process, treatment revolves around giving the bone optimum conditions to heal itself.
Trauma of the lower extremity compound fracture of the mid …show more content…

Finally I will talk more about prevention after surgery and requirements to help bone growth. Nutrition and sunlight, the human body needs adequate supplies of calcium for healthy bones. Milk, cheese, yoghurt, and dark green leafy vegetables are good sources of calcium. Our body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium exposure to sunlight, as well as eating eggs and oily fish are good ways of getting vitamin D.
Physical activity like weight bearing exercises, the stronger and denser your bone will be. Example include skipping, walking, running and dancing will help the bone. Older age not only results in weaker bones, but often in less physical activity, which further increases the risk of even weaker bones. It is important for people of all ages to stay physically active.
Compound fracture can be close or open. When the fracture is open surgery is always require in order to repair the bone. A significant percentage of bone fractures occur because of high force impact or stress. However, a fracture may also be the result of some medical conditions which weaken the bones, for example osteoporosis, some cancers, or brittle bone diseases. A fracture caused by a medical condition is known as a pathological

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