Cell Phones Cause Cancer Research Paper

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× “Cell Phones cause Cancer”
MISCONCEPTION: Cellular phones or mobile phones release harmful radiation that lead to brain cancer and/or tumors.
FACT: The truth is that although mobile phones do release electromagnetic radiation, the radiation released by them is non-ionizing radiation. This means that those signals do not have the power to cause mutations in cells or DNA. Your phone releases Microwave Radiation, the same radiation that can cook food in the kitchen. The only reason that your ear or brain does not get ‘cooked’ by your phone is that those signals does not have sufficient power to do so. So the next you use your phone to place a call, remember that your phone not any more harmful than a tissue paper. Read more at Cancer.org …show more content…

FACT: Most phones, if not all, use rechargeable Lithium-Ion (Li-ion) batteries to store electrical charge in a small and portable package. Li-ion batteries have the highest battery density of all battery technologies, meaning that li-ion batteries can store the most energy in the least volume and weight, making them best suitable for portable mobile phones and tablets. The only downside is that Li-ion batteries need precise charging and discharging circuits. There are many things to keep in mind when handling Li-ion batteries – they should not be charged at more than 4.2 volts per cell, the low voltage discharge cut-off must be set to around 3 volts, et cetera. If anything goes wrong, Li-ion batteries can literally explode, leading to third degree burns. Despite the safety risk, they’re still used in phones because phones have the required circuitry to manage Li-ion batteries. Sure, there have been news of exploding phone batteries, resulting in third degree burns, but mostly, this happens because of high temperatures in the phone due to overheating, or physical damage to the battery. Sometimes, when too much pressure is applied on a battery in a tight pocket, or if you sit on your phone, the battery may explode, but still, it’s a one in a million chance. Anyways, the explosion of a battery is not caused by charging it. Charging a battery will actually protect a battery because it will ensure that the discharge rate is greater than 3.6 volts per cell. Next time you hear about phone exploding, it is a waste of time to blame using and charging it simultaneously, unless the circuity on the phone failed, of

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