Essay On Christian Illness

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For Christian sickness is a challenge to faith and service. Personal problems and temptations may turn people away from God’s plan for their lives and sickness is one of them. The English word ‘health’ comes from the root term ‘whole’ which means completely sound or in good condition. Thus health means soundness or wholeness of body which covers the smooth normal functioning of our organs, emotional and mental wholeness as well as spiritual well being, welfare and salvation. Health relates to the whole personality. Healing ministry is aim to bring wholeness to every aspect of a person’s life and personality.
Sickness is now normal thing in our day to day life. We can’t see many people that not affect any diseases in their life time. (Birth to death).Few children born to this world as sick one. Some diseases are chronic and end their life. Diseases are bringing not only physical but also mental and emotional problems. We …show more content…

Many churches and individual Christian used to undertake these work for the needy. But pastoral care of the sick is an important part of the work of every pastor. The pastors visit the sick and pray for them. Charismatic or faith healing reflects the healing ministry of Jesus himself. God uses all means to bring wholeness to people lives. The pastor encourages using of all means for God’s healing power to become real in people’s lives.
It is a responsibility of Christian minister (counselor) should visit sick people. We always remember the afflicted days in our life. Almost before going to hospital people had been sick. Patients forced to undergo many types of tests in hospital. Sickness itself is a problem and some restrictions imposed by doctors and other staff is painful experience to

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