Essay On Conventional Energy Resources

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The energy is required in every sector and this demand is increasing at such a high rates the resultant is energy crisis. The conventional energy resources is not fulfil that demand. The present climate condition have an adverse effect on the human life and the main reason behind this is that the gases emission from the non-renewable resources. As the large quantity of the emission of gases like carbon-dioxide, nitrogen and Sulphur from conventional resources is not only effect human being but also the overall atmosphere of the earth. Furthermore, the world will adopted the conventional resources because of the rapid depletion of fossil fuel and it is also difficult to use these resources for production of electricity. While, the use of conventional resources has a positive effect on the environment and use this energy resources for production of electricity is a key source for future generation.

The energy can been classified into several types:-
a) Primary and Secondary sources:- Primary energy resources are those energy resources which are used directly as appear in the environment like coal, oil, natural gas and wood etc.
The other primary resources are nuclear fuels (uranium) in …show more content…

For example- coal, petroleum, natural gas etc. these energy resources is not used as it is firstly it converts into some useful form and require high investment for use this. It is limited supply in nature and also causes pollution. The energy resources that are not available in the market and which are gathered from nature or by some other ways are known as non-commercial energy resources. For example- cow dung, firewood and charcoal etc. these are abundantly available. These resources is used as in its raw form and mostly available in rural areas and it does not cause any

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