Essay On Discrimination In The Nursing Home

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The nursing home adheres to the legislation requirements concerning discrimination. They employ both male and female carers, although the majority would be female. During care practice a male carer would not be allowed to assist a female client alone. The female client also has the right to refuse being assisted by a male carer if she so chooses.

Clients have the right to keep information about themselves from being disclosed and can decide with whom they wish to share their information. This can include information about their treatment and payment given for services. Clients have to be given autonomy, which will involve discussions with them and their family about the choice of care available. This can cause conflicts to arise, such …show more content…

It is a requirement of The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 that employers carry out a risk assessment of the workplace. After recognising any hazards, they must then assess the risks which could arise and identify the necessary steps that should be taken to deal with them. Separate risk assessments are required for pregnant employees. The employer is also required to produce a Safety Statement for the workplace. This is a document that outlines how the company will safeguard the health and safety of employees at work and other people that visit the premises (HSA, 2016).

A company should ensure that procedures are put in place to address the possibility of violence, bullying and harassment in the workplace. If complaints are ignored, the employer can be sued for damages. An employee must not suffer victimisation or be mistreated for exercising their rights under the safety and health legislation (HSA,

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