Explain The Routes Of Bacterial Contamination Nvq

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1.2.5 Bacterial contamination Bacterial contamination refers mostly to food being contaminated by different bacteria found in them. These bacteria can be transferred into food by either humans or animals. Food poisoning happens when food which contains poisons of either biological or chemical origin is eaten by a person. Food poisoning is in most cases caused by the presence of either harmful bacteria, or by the poisonous substances caused by the bacteria present in the food. The symptoms of food poisoning include the following: vomiting, diarrhoea and sharp abdominal pains. Pathogenic bacteria can come into contact with food by the following routes: - Inappropriate food handling by people working with food (unhygienic behaviour), such …show more content…

These are called person to person routes of contamination. Sources of pathogenic bacteria include: - Air Sneezing and coughing cause a wide range of microbes to be released into the air in the form of small droplets. If a person sneezing or coughing is sick, the pathogens released by this person can spread in the air and might eventually be breathed in by another person, which then leads to contamination. Bacteria types involved in air contamination are certain strains of Staphylococcus aureus. - Touch There is a wide range of microorganisms present on human skin. Shaking hands with people just after touching a face with spots on it leads to contamination, therefore spot forming bacteria (e.g. Staphylococcus) from one person are now transferred onto another person and therefore a human is affected with the pathogenic bacteria. The type of bacteria that comes into contact with food by touch include S.aureus. - Contaminated Blood This route of transmission would include drug addicts, sharing syringe needles which might be contaminated with blood containing some sort of

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