Essay On Google Glass Work

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In this modern era, technology has slowly become an essential in our daily life as technology are advancing and growing rapidly. The invention of technology brings convenience to human and it can reduce the burden of human’s job. With the use of technology, it can increase the productivity of work and it can shorten the time to produce a product or a result. Besides that, technology can bring an impact on the society to be more efficient and comfortable. All in all, the invention of new technology can improve the quality of human life.
Nowadays, technology acted as an important role in every aspect of our lives such as health care, communications, entertainment, education and leisure time activities. Due to the society’s dependence on technology, some people call the “Technological Age” as the current age. Almost all goods and services that human use are depending on the technology. Furthermore, there are a few advantages of using technology in our daily …show more content…

In addition, a tiny projector is added and a prism that deflect the light onto the retina. Each component is neatly set in the frame. In order to make the gadget as light as possible, most of the processing will take place in the cloud (like Apple’s Siri) because it is extremely important to have a good mobile broadband signal.

a) START TAP Tap the frame of the glasses and you’re taken to the home screen. The home screen of Google Glass shows a simple digital clock and below with the words “ok glass” as represents the welcomes line. You tap the frame again and say “ok glass” to issue a command.


Capturing picture is designed in Google Glass. When you say “Take a picture”, it will immediately take a picture on what is being captured in the Google Glass at that moment. It designed to frame with your

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