Essay On Healthy Human Foods

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There are a lot of human foods we’d love to share with our dogs, but among these foods some are healthy while others are toxic to our dogs. If you ever wonder what healthy human foods you could feed your beloved dogs and the one that could kill him, then this article is for you. In this we will first and foremost consider those foods that are healthy to your dog health, after which we will look at those that could actually kill your beloved dog.
If you want to ensure a long, happy and healthy life for your dog, you need to make sure you 're feeding him or her healthiest food possible. Just because a certain human food is good for you doesn’t make it the best food to feed your pet. Though it can appear easy to provide your dog the same food …show more content…

In larger amounts, items like onions, chives, and garlic can cause intestinal and red blood cell problems. Rhubarb leaves and mushrooms should also be avoided. Some acceptable vegetables to use as snacks are green beans, carrots, zucchini, and cucumber.
Now let’s consider that human food that can be dangerous to your dog health. After all, there 's nothing worse than having your dog suffer over a simple blunder in diet. Even as they 're still man 's best friend, they perhaps shouldn 't eat like your best friend.
Chocolate: Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, which should on no account be consumed by dogs. It can cause severe agitation, abdominal pain, muscle tremors, irregular heart rhythm, vomiting, dehydration, raised body temperature, seizures, and, of course, death. So, chocolate is dangerous to your dog health.
Grapes: Grapes and raisins can cause rapid kidney failure. Although currently unknown what chemicals and compounds are in grapes that cause toxicity to dogs, the results of consumption can be pretty devastating. While it varies between dogs, symptoms may not show up in them. Dogs will also develop dehydration and lack of appetite. Death from kidney failure may happen within four to five

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