Essay On The Role Of Government

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Government has changed in many ways, and has increased in what they can do for the country. In the colonial period, government was mainly a state-based system. Each Colony had their own system that administered all of the basic functions, like taxes, banks, and public education. The U.S. is conspired to be one of the greatest world powers, so why is the role of government so unclear to its own citizen’s? If the role of government is so important to the success of our Country, then what should government’s role be in our lives? It is generally agreed that the most important single function government is to secure the rights and freedoms of individual citizens. Government should have a varied role on our rights depending on the topic. In Source 1, the States remain their own “country”. This is because of sovereignty, which explains that each states retains its freedoms, independence, and any powers not delegated to the US Government by Congress. The role of government in this situation is to allow States to exercise the laws they want. This shows that the role of Federal Government is Good because it allows the individual citizens to get more rights. The opposite effect of this is, States will eventually become overrun with too much power and collapse. In Source 2, the government and individuals have little say in what happens. The rules are made and …show more content…

This seems to be the cause with most new laws, they are “necessary”, and most of the laws enforced are not really needed. These laws become hurtful for the Country’s smooth operations. The role of government is to be the power in charge of laws that seem to be extraneous to the citizens. Many other countries would agree that the laws that come out of the ‘Necessary and Proper Clause’ are futile for the cause of the

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