Upward Mobility Hong Kong Essay

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Upward mobility refers to the how and why people or families change position in the class structure, which examines the degree of openness whether the society consists of equal opportunities, and social fluidity. By disagreeing the statement of ‘Hong Kong is still a place full of opportunities for upward mobility’, this essay will explain Hong Kong is a place of not full, but limited opportunities for upward mobility, is due to the perception of own social classes among population, government’s lack of effective social assistance and increasing household expenditure among poverty population in recent years, through the aspects of unequal educational system, social polarization, and opportunity structure for youth. The unequal educational system is indicated through the statistics from Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency (WFSFAA) and Times Higher Education: World Universities Rankings, as well as …show more content…

The unequal educational system can be seen in WFSFAA statistics, that the percentage of local students studying in eight government-funded universities and …show more content…

The grant provided by WFSFAA are assessed under the two-tier means test about the calculation of Ready Reckoner calculating Adjusted Family Income (AFI) and Sliding Scale of Asset value (SSA), and it follows the restriction of amount of family members, which WFSFAA limited AFI thresholds for amounts of family members. These assessments indicate WFSFAA’s restrictions on amounts of grants to different circumstances, that Hong Kong’s Poor population and poverty rate of single-parent households is 35.8% in 2015, which only 64.2% of students in maximum might have the opportunity to enjoy full grant under WFSFAA. Furthermore, students with average family income

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