
Evil Lord Of The Flies Essay

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Everyone can be evil, it just takes the right situation. The novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding we follow a group of boys as they are shot down in a plane and end up on a island stranded by themselves, the boys conflicting thoughts with each other cause the group to split into two, we watch as the cast of boys turn savage against each other. I believe in the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding everybody is naturally evil.
We find one of the main characters, Ralph, a very sensible person at the beginning of the novel is slowly turned into a more primal person as he is seen acting animalistic near the end of the book. Near the end of Novel Ralph is described as pouncing in the quote. “Ralph launched himself like a cat; stabbing, snarling, and the savage doubled up” Ralph attacks the other group of boys like a big cat in this quote, the author even felt like including “the savage doubled up” in the page to show that the events near the end of the …show more content…

Everyone was there and apart of the murder of Simon, they all just kinda followed what everyone else was doing, creating a mob mentality, and then the day after the murder of Simon everyone didn’t want to take the blame for killing him, The only people that recognized they had committed the atrocity were Ralph, Piggy, Sam and Eric. These four felt guilty for their actions while everyone else just kind of brushed it off and acted as if they had no part in killing Simon, I also feel as if this feeded into their carelessness about killing others. Another horrible action all the boys take part in is the creation of the Lord of the Flies, when they killed a mother pig and tortured it, eventually taking its head and sticking it onto a double sided stick for display, as if the head of the pig were their

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