Extracurricular Activities Case Study

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There is substantial interest in how teenagers are spending their leisure time outside school day and what types of activities are important for their development (Wilson, 2009). There are studies that support either being involved, being over-involved, or not being involved at all in extracurricular activities and how participation can impact what becomes of teens in the future based on participation in activities outside the school day (Wilson, 2009).
Extracurricular activities refer to activities that provide opportunities for students to develop specific skills or knowledge, and take place outside of school hours. The range of activities included is substantial, varying from specific types of activities such as sports, music, arts, dance, to general program offered by school. Extracurricular activities offer experiences of teamwork and support the development of many social, cognitive, and physical skills of the students. During extracurricular activities, students learn to manage their time, relieve stress and learn …show more content…

However, in Indonesia school hours, the chance to practice speaking is limited and sometimes ineffective. One way to obtain more practices to speak outside of school hours is by joining an extracurricular program. English Club as one of extracurricular programs

3 gives chance to students to speak in more flexible condition. In English Club extracurricular activities, students can learn many things such as how to speak in front of many people, English debate, and also they may learn about English grammar and vocabulary. By joining and participating actively in English Club Extracurricular, students may improve and develop their skills in English, especially their speaking skill. Therefore, it is interesting to investigate the impact of joining English Club by the eighth grade students in SMP Negeri 1 Kuta Utara towards their speaking skill.

II. Review of

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