
Frankenstein Monster Metaphors

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1) According to the film, the standard metaphor for a corporation is that of an apple within a barrel where most apples are good and just a few bad. Several CEO’s offered alternative metaphors, such as pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, a sports team, family unity, a telephone system, or an eagle. Less flattering metaphors are that of a devouring monster, a whale, or the Frankenstein monster. Are any of these metaphors more appropriate than others? I think the eagle, jigsaw puzzle sports team and the whale metaphors are more appropriate than the apple, family unity, telephone system, devouring monster and the Frankenstein monster metaphors are because they talk about the positive and the deviances of the metaphor not just the deviance the metaphor …show more content…

This is at any cost no matter what illegal, monstrous behaviors they engage in while at work, or how charming they are in their everyday lives outside of work they as humans have morals which they should carry with them to their jobs creating a corporation based on excellent morals verses one that has all the defining characteristics of a psychopath. The government is also responsible for the actions of psychopathic corporation because they do not mandate punishments severe enough causing the corporations to follow the rules and regulations allowing for little to no punishment for cases of corporate …show more content…

In addition, the utilitarian organization is formal organizations, which are large secondary groups that achieve specific tasks and goals by following explicit rules and procedures. 9) Which theory of deviance (not perspective but specific theory) best applies to the issue of corporate deviance? Explain the theory and why you believe it applies. Karl Marx 's ideas, on social-conflict theory are laws and other norms operate to protect the interests of powerful members of any society. The social-conflict theory further explains this pattern in three ways. First, all norms-especially laws of any society-generally reflect the interests of the rich and powerful. People who threaten the wealthy are likely to be labeled deviant, whether it is by taking people 's property or advocating a more political radical society. Karl Marx 's social conflict approach, argues the law and all social institutions support the interests of the rich. However, Richard Quinney states, "Capitalist justice is by the capitalist class, for the capitalist class, and against the working class" (Pearson Higher Ed pg

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