Speech On Body Language Analysis

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(a) Good morning Sam please meet our new interns (b) Sarah, Tonica, Mike and Paul this is Mr Wilson our new Chief Executive (c) Good morning Mr. Wilson I would like to introduce to you our new interns Sarah, Tonica, Mike and Paul 3. A physically challenged colleague stretches out his left hand to greet you, you (a) Avoid his handshake (b) Accept his handshake by extending your left hand (c) Ignore the handshake and clap instead (d) Respond with a smile 4. At a networking gathering you meet someone you had previously met but unfortunately forgot his name and where he worked. You should (a) Greet him and avoid mentioning his name (b) Ask for his business card (c) allow him to reintroduce himself to someone else first (d) Politely ask him …show more content…

Apart from the clothes you wear there must be an aura about you that is striking and attractive. Body language as seen in your posture and the way you carry yourself is the number one determination of whether you have poise and polish. Body language says a lot about you without saying a word. It tells us whether you are angry, annoyed, upset, happy, excited, alert, in control or even sloppy. Your facial expression determines a number of your personal characteristics. By definition body language is a visual expression of what and how you are feeling, through meaningful gestures. It is all the movement of your body, head, shoulders, , legs, hands, feet, fingers and eyes that indicates your state of being, your attitude, emotions, thoughts and feelings. In displaying a positive image of yourself you must watch the body language that you portray. Your actions will speak louder than your words in many occasions, you may even find that some words are not enough to stress the point . For instance common body language indicators The index finger in front of the mouth means …show more content…

a good professional should always sense the body language of those around and act accordingly. at time you may use good attire to hide a posture. once you maintain an upright position with minimal action you can overcome the feeling of insecurity and project an illusion of power presence. Good Posture If you imagine yourself trying on a new suit, shirt or tie or a new dress for the first time, you will almost automatically stand erect and full. For you this portrays the best way the outfit will look on you, this gives you best posture. Good posture will always make you look taller and thinner, it also helps improve your state of health and breathing. The perfect posture to adhere to involves standing straight, with your chest out, shoulders balanced and parallel. Your back should be erect, legs straight with your hands facing your body. In a stationary position have your legs slightly apart to maintain balance. When walking never look down but straight ahead. Never fold your shoulders or protrude your chest. Walk with your arms slightly swinging and calculated steps. Sitting is equally important when showing grace and poise. Know where you legs should be, keep your back straight all the

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