
Historical Significance Of The Stono Rebellion

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Historical Significance of the Stono Rebellion During the year 1739, America was just beginning to discover her identity in the new world. By establishing three colonies: New England, Middle, and Southern, men were finally gaining their independence from Britain in various ways. One way was by being able to make a living. The northern colonies for example exported fish for economic revenue while the southern colonies however had an economic advantage in agriculture. Their fertile soils and warm environment allowed for production of crops such as tobacco in the upper southern regions and rice in the lower regions. There was plenty of land to farm and a high demand for workers, which ultimately led to a “land rich, but labor poor” society. …show more content…

The Middle Passage was the transportation of slaves from Africa to the New World and would later be recognized as the Atlantic Slave Trade. It is important to understand that these slaves spent weeks if not months on a ship with no plumbing, insignificant amounts of food, and very little medical resources. Approximately 15% of these individuals died before even reaching land, then once they did arrive, they were expected to begin working. All power rested in the hands of white men. Slaves had no rights which is a main reason why white men preferred a slave over an indentured servant. Nonetheless, slaves yearned for respect and independence, which is what caused the acts of Stono Rebellion. The Stono Rebellion will be recorded as not only the first, but the largest slave rebellion in history and proved to the slave nation that they had no chance of overturning …show more content…

This is the first time slaves united together to revolt and declare their independence/rights as part of the human race. Not to mention, this behavior was extremely unusual. The plantations are miles apart from one another making it impossible for slaves to communicate efficiently with one another. Also, only a handful of slaves were able to read and write, giving little leeway to interconnect through letters. Most slaves shared a mutual understanding of authority and boundaries with their master. Not all slave owners treated the workers harshly, however the Stono Rebellion raised a difference in opinion between both parties. The white men now feared the slaves and their capabilities if given the chance to revolt again. Out of fear, the government established a guideline of rules for the slave population, outlined in a document known as The Negro Act of 1740. The Negro Act encouraged harsher control and prohibited any more transportation of slaves directly from Africa. South Carolina now had more blacks than whites due to the immigration as well as natural increases. Although the act encouraged harsher control, it restricted any practices of harsh punishment. Fines would be given to slave owners if caught acting in an unjust manner toward a slave(s). The Negro Act limited all slave activity. For example, no slave could learn to read or write, grow his or her own food, or assemble together for any reason. All rights were taken

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