
How Did Andrew Jackson Deal With Sectionalism

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Andrew Jackson’s presidency marked a change for United States Presidents as he was a self made man and a man of the people. Many citizens supported both his inauguration and his presidency, but there were some opposed to his ruling as well. Jackson’s goal as a President was to help the people, but in the end he provided the country with sectionalism, instead of nationalism. His controversial rule promoted division through ‘The Tariff of Abominations’, favoritism, and the collapse of the economy.
The divide of the United States began in 1828, when President Jackson approved Congress’ bill to double the tariff rates on imports. Immediately the southerners accused Jackson of favoriting the North and their industrial culture. The South, which was predominantly agricultural, relied heavily on British imports, and the new tariff, or the Tariff of Abominations, would make the goods far more expensive. Soon even Vice President felt that he must decide between the government, and his homeland in the South. Siding with the southerners, he wrote the doctrine of nullification, which expressed that the states had the right to disregard any act of Congress that was viewed as …show more content…

When he was first elected, Jackson placed his supporters in government jobs. This became known as the spoils system, since those who supported him were able to reap the rewards. Then in 1832, after his reelection, he again rewarded his followers. In an attempt to shut down the National Bank Jackson placed federal funds in State Banks that demonstrated loyalty to the Democratic Party. The States that did not support President Jackson did not receive preferential treatment and grew frustrated with Jackson’s use of pet banks. Anger developed between the states that Jackson deemed loyal and those that were not. Repeatedly, President Jackson’s rulings led to a feeling of displeasure between

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