
How Do Sex Offenders Return To Prison

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Research shows that fewer than 8 percent of the sex offenders completing the Sexual Offender Treatment Program return to prison.

Sex Offender treatment is part of a comprehensive effort to increase community safety as a whole. Sex offender treatment is a vital key component of its Reentry Initiative, which is designed to help offenders start receivig the treatments, education and job training they need in prison so that they return to society making choices that will help keep them out of prison again.

An estimated 95 percent of the sex offenders sentenced to prison in the end come back to the group.

Sex Offender Treatment system 's three fundamental objectives are:

• Helping offenders figure out how to diminish and oversee hazard

• Providing information …show more content…

All grown-up male sex offenders in prisons might volunteer for the system. In view of the long holding up rundown, most offenders enter treatment just when they are inside of year and a half of discharge. Offenders are relied upon to keep accepting treatment subsequent to surrendering prison for over to three years through aftercare programs accessible all through the state.

A number of the sex offenders don 't volunteer to take an interest in treatment, despite the fact that DOC has contracted more sex guilty party specialists and is giving more information about theprogram to offenders in an effort to increase participation.


Department Of Corrections, Washington.

Sex Offender Management Assesment And Planning

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