Human Factors And The Causes Of Road Safety

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Road safety is considered as a major global issue. According to data from 2014, in Europe road accidents cause 3.1% of all deaths (EUROSTAT, 2017). Every year approximately 1,25 million people die on the road worldwide (World Health Organization, 2016) and in 2011, almost 8800 young people aged 15-29 died as a result of road accidents (EUROSTAT, 2015). According to Li et al., 186 300 children, younger than 18, die every year due to sustained road traffic injuries which rank road traffic crashes among the children aged 15 to 17 years as the first leading cause of death on the global level and predicts further increase in children death due to traffic accidents if applied interventions are not successful. "Human factor is the single cause of road traffic injuries in 57%, and together with other factors in more than 90% of all road traffic accidents" (Djuric & Filipovic, 2009). While, the vehicle factors caused 2.4% and 4.7% of accidents were caused by environmental factors (Marc Green & John Senders, n.d.). Human factors can be presented through “human error”, where the road accident occurs due to performed act, situation or no response at all (speeding, alcohol & drug use, violations of traffic rules, poor judgement,…). Small share of road traffic accidents are caused by mechanical fault or design of the vehicle (vehicle factors). In some cases weather, time of the day, road design, traffic signalization or other road conditions may cause the accident. These factors are

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