Japan Human Resource Management Case Study

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Japan is the third largest economy in the world. In 1989, Japan faced a prolonged period of economic stagnation, deflation and relatively high unemployment. The economic performance of Japan was limited to weak domestic demand and fierce structure of the labor market, which was a consequence of restrictions of business activities. However, despite the difficult internal state policies, Japanese companies continue to enter international markets. In 2011 Japan had 68 companies that are the world's largest corporations (Fortune/Global 500 CNN money) - Toyota Motor, Hitachi, Honda Motor, Nissan Motor, Panasonic, Sony and Toshiba. The population of Japan decreases the growth rate is very fast. The country has one of the lowest fertility rates than in any developed country, due to the large percentage of seniors and a low rate of immigration. According to forecasts, the population of Japan will decrease by more than 25 percent. They have passive position in relation to international conflicts and disputes. (Global Sherpa, 2017) Ageing Population has implications for corporate practice in the field of human resource management. In terms of ageing workforce, the permanent employment system and the retirement age are burdened by the increase in the number of highly paid and less productive workers. Previously HRM systems were more suitable to employers, …show more content…

The Central structure of HRM involves a wide range of responsibilities and takes the most active part in resolving issues relating to personnel management. The Ministry is also involved in addressing these issues, but has a secondary role in decision-making. They have control over career management, retirement, and code of conduct. Japan uses a few methods strategic human resource management - represent the framework of the accountability of managers, performance evaluation does not take into account management objectives and

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