
The Harvard Model Of HRM

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The Harvard Model of HRM:
Back in 1984, Beer et al developed the Harvard model of the HRM. Beer et al believe that the human resource is passes many of pressures nowadays, therefore, eliminating the pressures is required. These pressures could be eliminating by having a long-term perspective in terms of controlling people and potential assets rather than just variable costs. As a result, Beer et al approach the Harvard Model of the HRM. The purpose of this model is to solve the pressures that may occur in the HR of any organizations; these pressures include all management decisions that will affect the relationship between the organizations and their workers, in addition to a clear plan for the HRM policies and procedures by the manager of …show more content…

Human Resource outcomes.
5. Long-term consequences.
6. Feedback loop.

To start with, the first component of the Harvard model is the Situational factors. It is defined as the factors that affect the management’s choices of the HR strategies. These include the laws and societal values inside and outside the company, business strategies and Labor market regulations. Added to that, it is contain philosophy of management, work-force characteristics and task technology.
Moving to, the second component of the Harvard Model is the stakeholder interests. This component contains all shareholders, management employees, government and communities. The Stakeholder interests identify the essential of trade-offs between the business owners interests and their employees in the organizations.
Human Recourse Management policy choices are the third component of Harvard Model. Management’s decisions and actions could be emphasize in the field of Human Resource Management only if it acknowledged that there are relations between constrains and choices in the organizations. This model summarizes four HR Policy areas:
 Human Resources flow including “Recruitment, Selection, Promotion, Appraisals, termination …show more content…

 Employee influenced including “delegated levels of authority, responsibility, power etc”.
 Work system including “designing of the work and the aliment of people in the work”.
A new theory established by an American psychologist Abraham Maslow in 1943 to support the human resource management policies and choices component of the Harvard Model. This theory called as “Maslow Hierarchy of Needs”. The purpose of this theory is to concentrate on the motivation of the people using set of factors with different level. These factors are (see Appendix):
1. Physiological factor:
The first level is the physiological needs that contain all the essentials needs of human being, for example, food, water, sleep, home and etc.
2. Safety and security needs:
The second level is Safety and security needs, these include body security, employment, morality, health of family, property etc.
3. Love and belonging needs:
The third level is Love and belonging needs, this level contain friendship, family relationship and group

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