Poor Work Life Balance

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The project statement for our project is “How can we help Singapore Polytechnic students to better manage their time in order to have good work life balance?” , and the issues surrounding this topic is relevant to our society as Singapore’s only resource is human capital and the students of today shall become the leaders of the world tomorrow. Therefore there is a great importance for students to be able to better manage their time to strive for good work life balance, as the lack of it could prove disastrous to individuals in terms of both health and work, which in turn could lead to the fall in productivity and growth in a country. Stress and depression are two things which might occur if students are unable to have a good work life balance, and this shall further lead to a fall in motivation and eventually lead to a fall in productivity as the habit of having poor work life balance stretches into the student’s adult working lives in future. …show more content…

Having poor work life balance is one of the factors that resulted in many Singaporean’s unhappiness and hence this shows why our project statement is of great importance to Singapore as the wellbeing of our citizens are being addressed in this project. To add on, addressing the issue of poor work life balance with students shall also enable us to improve on the productivity of students as we find out the reasons for why they procrastinate and seek to limit the cause for such

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